6 weeks into flowering (with pics)


Well-Known Member
But hardly any off the hairs have gone brown yet cheetah so i will chop when the hairs are about 70%


Well-Known Member
This is just my guess from experience but the Mango will probably harvest anywhere from 2-4 weeks earlier than the Bubblegum. The unknown Sativa will probably be the latest. Your plant is beautiful.


Well-Known Member
im sorry mate i was thinkin that i was posted in ur thread, but its not urs hehehehe.... i would let urs 9 weeks or so... dun guide from the color of the hairs, coz they can go brown if the plant is underwatered! try to get a scope and look the color of the trychs. if they are milky u'll have a more up high and if they are amber u will have mighty kick ass stone!


Well-Known Member
Dont have a microscope. So if i water my plants less the hairs are more likely to go brown cheetah? Thanks for your replys everyone!