6 weeks of 8/9 into flowering looking very very good! what to do now?? data:image/gif

Hello Everyone!I'm new here so i'll keep it short...

I have four A.M.S growing under 600watts HPS for over 6 weeks. i´m having an average of 30ºC and 52%humidity and have been feeding them with biobloom and a bit of melasse.
My question is should I stop the biobloom and feed it only with melasse for the next two weeks and then only water on the last week OR should i give them a flush and then only water in the three final weeks?
is there any kind of nutrient specialy for the last two weeks?
Should i buy one of those lamps that are only used in the final two three weeks?

sorry for my bad english, i´m from portugal.

Thanks everyone
I personally don't use Molasses throughout the growing cycles // I typically will run my regimented nutrients until the final 2 weeks // the second to last week is only water to rinse the plants from all the fertilizers // the last week use your Molasses or Corn syrup or Honey etc.. to sweeten up the BUD // then Harvest and Cure //
I personally don't use Molasses throughout the growing cycles // I typically will run my regimented nutrients until the final 2 weeks // the second to last week is only water to rinse the plants from all the fertilizers // the last week use your Molasses or Corn syrup or Honey etc.. to sweeten up the BUD // then Harvest and Cure //
thanks chonstantine. i had used molasses throughout all the flowering cycle so maybe it´s better if i water them with only water in the final two weeks don´t you think?
once again, thank you very much

