6 White Widow - 4 god knows?


Well-Known Member
Hey all,

Well this is my second grow. My first grow resulted in 2, very healthy males :wall:.

This time I bought 10 feminised White Widow from Dutch Passion. Germinated only 6 from the 10 bought. The others just didnt happen.

The other 4 are from a bunch of seeds I had accumulated from odd bags of grass I had brought over the years. I put the lot in for germination and took the strongest 4 to see what would happen.

So far so good. They all germinated at different times which accounts for the mix in size. I have taken some pics of the White Widow, the others, I am not bothered about until i sex them. I am an expert at finding males so I am not too bothered about what I have.

I have been truly inspired with the progress of other White Widow grows I have seen. My time and effort is with my WW babies. If the others are female then great, I havent wasted my time.

When they arrived the packet said 'mainly Sativa' but by the looks of my White Widow's they all seem to grow like a classic Indica. Very short, stout plants with only an inch between branch growth.

I have a complete Hydro System, NFT. I just couldnt get it going. It was supposed to be easy but I couldnt get them past seedling stage so I have settled on growing in soil - its so much easier.

I am growing on Bio Mix All Bix (mix of worm castings, and soil) - everything is working a treat so far. I started them on Bio Mix Veg this week - 30mls / 10litres. They are responding well and have had no problems so far.

They are growing in a Bud Box under a 400W HID, Growlux lamp. I have a RVK100A1 extraction fan that keeps the temp at a steady 28 degrees, not sure what the temp is with the lights off.

I didnt experience any problems growing my males - I am hoping I have the same luck with my ladies!

The individual pics are of my White Widows - any comments or suggestions are gratefully recieved.

I dont have many stoner mates (I work in government - not a good idea to shout about my hobby!) so I am relying on the good advice I have seen on this board so far!

Pics below....



Well-Known Member
Thanks! I dont have to do a lot. Just water them everyother day. They seem to be doing well with me just leaving them.

I was obsessed with my other grow - these do better by just leaving them do there thing!

Happy so far!


Well-Known Member
Nice setup! I'm considering WW for my first grow, would you reccomend it to beginners?

Anyways, the plants look awesome, I plan on following this grow!


Well-Known Member
Nice setup! I'm considering WW for my first grow, would you reccomend it to beginners?

Anyways, the plants look awesome, I plan on following this grow!
Well I am a beginner and have had no problems so far. They grow a couple of inches a day.

I'm gonna veg them for a couple of weeks then flower them. I am in no rush! I am not gonna top them. Apparently White Widow doesnt need it.

As long as they are healthy, I am happy!


Well-Known Member
Well this is Veg week 2 of my grow. They are getting 30mls per 10 litres of water of Bio Bizz Bio Grow. They seem to be thriving. They grow every day and are a lovely healthy looking green.

I have a few questions if anyone can offer any advice. Most of the plants are growing fabulously. I have a problem with yellowing leaves on the lower branches of my White Widows. To me - i think its light. When I look from above at the light coming down, i cant see any yellow leaves, this at least shows me the light isnt getting through.

The White Widows are very bushy and dense - their leaves dont fan out as much the bagseed plants. Would reflective sheeting around the sides of my Bud Box help? I dont want to raise temperature anymore, i am shooting close to the wind as it is with high temps and have it stable - so far. I dont wanna rock the boat by reflecting heat.

I have attached pictures and have numbered the plants so any advice would be great.

Plant 1 - is the one with the most yellow - its also one of the tallest. I am very reluctant to trim her as i wanna see how she grows. My next grow will be about maximising yield etc - i wanna see what mother nature does first.

Plant 5 - Is a strange one - it grew very weirdly. Its starting to fill out now. I try and move her around a lot to get light on the side she didnt grow on.

The plants with no numbers are the 4 bag seed plants. I will just wait and see what sex they are before i worry about them.

My set up:

1m X1m X2m tall Bud Box
400w HID Growlux lamp.
Bio Mix All mix (Soil & Wormcastings)
30mls / 10 litres - Bio Biz Grow.



Well-Known Member
Looks like possible nute burn? Sounds as though you're packing in the nutes already. Try and lay off them for a bit. All-mix is a good soil and should not require any use of nutes for the first couple of weeks. If you are using a ballast which can take both mh and hps lamps you may want to consider a mh lamp during the veg cycle as it will allow you to compact more growth into a smaller area. The hps will cause them to stretch slightly. Should be some tasty bud when ur done tho :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Looks like possible nute burn? Sounds as though you're packing in the nutes already. Try and lay off them for a bit. All-mix is a good soil and should not require any use of nutes for the first couple of weeks. If you are using a ballast which can take both mh and hps lamps you may want to consider a mh lamp during the veg cycle as it will allow you to compact more growth into a smaller area. The hps will cause them to stretch slightly. Should be some tasty bud when ur done tho :bigjoint:
I didnt start the nutrients till they were all well out of seedling stage. If you look at my i first pics - they were taken after they were given their very first dose of nutrient. They had a 8 days, then I put did a new lot of nutes today and took the new pics.

I have looked at all the symptoms of nute burn and i couldnt find anything on what i have. As far as other books said it was lack of light to the lower leaves as the light is directed down.

I thought the Bud Box was supposed to reflect the lights to the lower leaves?

The Growlux lamp i have is supposed to be used throughout Vegging and Flowering.

I have this one: GroWell > Grolux Lamps

Thanks for the advice though. :idea: I will alternate the nutes with water and see if there is any improvement. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think I have discovered the problem of my lower yellow leaves. They get splashed with nutrient solution when I water, which in turn burns them under the HID lights.

I am alternating between nutrient and water, but the problem is still there.

I am a novice so any advice is gratefully received.


Well-Known Member
i am in flowering and i feed my plants when the lights turn off.... when your lights are off and you water them the leaves will be dry and not create a laser on the leaves.... it will stop burning your leaves that way


Well-Known Member
i am in flowering and i feed my plants when the lights turn off.... when your lights are off and you water them the leaves will be dry and not create a laser on the leaves.... it will stop burning your leaves that way
That makes so much sense!

I have the lights off when I am out at work. I'll just feed them in the morning. I kinda feel silly I didnt think of that!




Well-Known Member
no problem thats what we are all here for :) if you want you can check out my grow just click the signature good luck i will be checkin your page often


Well-Known Member
Well this is week 3 of veg.

All plants are growing great. I am still concerned with the yellowing leaves at the bottom of a few of the plants. The yellowing only happens on the lower leaves. I thought I may be splashing nutrient on them when I was watering them. I took advice to water them before lights out so they wouldn't burn but the yellowing has spread to other plants.

It only affected the White Widows but now its affecting the Bagseed plants as well so I am now cutting out the nutrient and am giving them water only (water that has sat for 24 hours to remove the chlorine).

They are all growing well. Each morning I check them and they are growing at a fabulous rate so I am not worrying too much - yet! I didn't have this problem with my first grow. I only fed my first grow 20mls per 10 litres - this lot I have given 30mls. I am gonna give them water for the next few days then add the nutrient.

I have taken pics of each plant individually. Each White Widow is numbered. Some I have taken 2 pics of. The 4 bagseed are not numbered.

Again, any advice is gratefully recieved.




Well-Known Member
Do you foliar feed at all? Most people say that you shouldn't spray when the lights are on but i give my plants a good misting once a day in the morning once the lights have turned on. At this time the stomata on the leaves are open and the leaves are able to take nutrients through the leaves. The solution i use is very very weak nutrient solution. I'd definitely recommend it, i've had no problems with the leaves burning and it helps keep them nice an green all over.


Well-Known Member
I have solved the problem of my yellowing leaves - At last!!

They are root bound! They need bigger pots.

It started with the biggest plants and gradually spread. I couldn't figure it out. I took everyone's advice until it clicked. They are only in 7 inch pots!

I have ordered 6.5 Litre square pots so they will fit inside my BudBox. I think I can only fit 9 plants in there - the BudBox is only 1 metre square so I will have to pick the best and maybe keep one on the window ledge till I sex the 4 bagseed plants. Then I can switch them around.

I wish I could sex them while they are vegging - I know its impossible, I tried before!

Thanks for all advice anyway!

I'll post once they are potted and ready for week 4 of vegging.


Well-Known Member
Looking great, i'm interested in comparing the nirvana WW i got with your dutch passion ones. Mine lok very sativa dominant and yours seem very indica dominant.I'm almost in week 3 of flower, startin to get some baby buds now. Great grow!


Well-Known Member
Looking great, i'm interested in comparing the nirvana WW i got with your dutch passion ones. Mine lok very sativa dominant and yours seem very indica dominant.I'm almost in week 3 of flower, startin to get some baby buds now. Great grow!
When I received the seeds from Dutch Passion, the packet said they were Sativa dominant. I did a lot of research and knew what to look out for, Sativa having longer thinner leaves where mine seem to be classic Indica, very short fat leaves and not much space between nodes.

I have checked out a few Grow Journals and seen others who bought White Widow from Dutch Passion. When they flowered, they looked so fabulous, I went to Dutch Passion. Its supposed to be a 40/60 Sativa dominant, but mine and others from Dutch Passion looked very Indica dominant.

The results from others grow infuenced my choice of seed bank to buy from. I have been to Amsterdam and checked out other companies, Dutch Passion seemed to be the best - in my book. They had very good advice and amazing plants.

Good luck with your grow - There seems to be a bit of a drought in London at the moment so I cant bloody wait!



Well-Known Member
Well, was a bad couple of weeks. :wall:

The pots and soil didnt arrive till Saturday. They all literally stopped growing. They all were terribly rootbound. The soil was very shallow in the original pots.

We got them into 6.5 litre pots and fed them.

After about 3 days I increased the nutrient and they all went boom. The yellowing just stopped and new growth went mad. Most of the yellow leaves have dropped now.

I have given them all the veg time I can now. I was trying to fit to a schedule but that went out the window. I am switching to 12/12 tonight. Gonna give them all a week on the Bio Grow, the switch to Bio Bloom.

Latest pics taken tonight.

One of my white widows #5 has curling leaves? She's allways been the runt, grew wierdly and now has mishapen leaves. I have taken a couple of extra shots if any one has any opinions.

