6 year indoor experience, first dwc

hello. ive been an avid indoor gardener for overhalf a decade, but it seems time for hydro. i have all the parts to my 6 bucket setup but had a question about the nutrient solution. im using botanicare, should i mix it exactly to the hydrogarden feed schedule or use half the recommended dosages? thanks


Well-Known Member
how old are your plants? My rule is to always start 1/2 to 1/4 strength to start. im sure you know how to read your plants. keep in mind though things happen faster in hydro. growth and deficiencies.
clones are almost two weeks old and ready to be moved to the buckets. figured id start with 1/4 strength and work my way up as is needed. i never use a feed schedule with dirt and just listen to the plants. im just looking for feedback on botanicare in hydro as i have no experience with them in hydro. thank you!

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
I'd call botanicare and ask them. I'd also consider a new nute made for hydro and follow their feeding schedule. BUT, I'm sure that by starting slow and listening to the plants, you will do fine.