60 plants in a 1600w room CAN be done


Well-Known Member
my room is 8 x 11 ft. my lights are 1000w HPS in a 7 x 7 portion of this and 600w HPS in the 4 x 4 corner...

previously have grown 8 mighty fine plants under 400w HPS in a 5 x 5 area that resulted in 3 - 4 oz. per plant and wondered why "the experts" recommend only doing 4 plants with that amount of area/lighting... did this several times until that setup was stolen by what is now an EX-friend... i moved out of that place, bought myself the 600w, and resumed my growing hobby... stuck 12 plants under the new light in a 5 x 6 area, which resulted in 1 1/2 - 2 oz. per plant... not great, but hey in 11 weeks i had clones ready for the next batch and harvested about a pound...

which brings me to now... took 56 clones (plus 4 'cheese' that had vegged for 8 weeks and been topped) put 'em into 3 gal. grow bags, borrowed a 1000w and decided to flower all these suckers in one room... the 'cheese' flowered by themselves for 4 weeks under the 600w while i vegged the clones under the 1000w... they've been in the same room with both lights for 3 1/2 weeks now... the plants are filling out, light still reaches the floor under the canopy, and i'm expecting to EASILY get 2 - 3 pounds...

it's not for an inexperienced grower, or for a lazy one... i have to work every day watering, rotating, pruning, tying, staking, etc... literally 2 - 3 hours a day in the flower room sweating my ass off making sure all is well... it's only 82 during lights on, but still hot enough... to be sure, i wish i had even more light, but i'm just saying this can be done... you don't HAVE to stick to so few plants under 1000w...

btw... there are 4 strains... LSD - Cheese - Dumpster - Purple Kush


Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
You're right, but increasing your lighting will definitley give you better results. I also spend 2 to 3 hours a day tending three hydro systems, but I enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
only 4 plants under a 400 watt?? they would have to be big ass plants at least 3 feet when starting 12/12 otherwise 6 sounds more right.


Well-Known Member
A light mover might be a nice addition without adding more heat and more juice.

I love my mover, it has doubled my growing space.