60 POT RDWC GROW ROOM - Cobs setup help


New Member
hello guys,

So I wanna setup my growroom, already got my rdwc system. 24pot + 36pot

Now for the lights, I wanna order the luminus

How many should i get for the size of the grow room and also which driver should i use ?
I want to power around 4 lights with each driver, but if there are better options please tell meScreenshot_20190210-061959_Chrome.jpg Screenshot_20190210-062204_Chrome.jpg
How many square feet are you lighting? That's gonna be key in calculating how much light you need. I hear 35 watts of good LED per sqft is a good number.

I can't help on the driver, perhaps some of the guys in the LED section can help.
How many square feet are you lighting? That's gonna be key in calculating how much light you need. I hear 35 watts of good LED per sqft is a good number.

I can't help on the driver, perhaps some of the guys in the LED section can help.
My growroom is 11x7meter
That's a fair size room. Gona need a lot of cobs.

828 square foot@ minimum 30w/psf = 24'840w - 29'000 w at higher end of 35w/psf.
That's gona set you back some coin.

I would speak to @CobKits see what he thinks the best way to light that space up as far as coverage and power per cob.
He know those cobs well.
"CXM-32-35-80-54-AC00-F2-3" are old cobs. (F2)

CXM32 are not commonly available and have less holder/heatsink/reflector options

CXM22 are affordable, common 28mm size, and are the best value for the money. 50-75W per cob is best, youre in the 400 cob range so we def have room on pricing.

shoot me an email at sales@cobkits . com if youd like a quote