6x8x8 SecureGrow Modified for S. Calif. w/ Mesh Gables


Well-Known Member
sf.77.JPG sf.73.JPG All done. The temp stays within 6-10-degrees of the outside temp. The plants are 14 weeks old and will take-off in the green house. I'm trying to fill the room by late August.
The SecureGrow Greenhouse can be modified to grow. This one is compliant with the city of San Diego and Prop 215 guidelines. Locked and alarmed. White granules on floor is Sluggo, pet safe slug bait. I also will spread D.E. on the ground. The crystals are sharp for creatures to walk on and really have any fun.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I'm not sure how it will be used timing-wise with the green house.
I could light dep in the short-day winters, but there would be no GH ventilation from 7 pm to 7am. when the cover is pulled-off.
Or, I could booth-grow a 4-month winter crop in a flowering 2x2 area, light dep-it and harvest that, and then re-fill the booth with clones in late March?
Something like that. First grow.
It seems like the three components: GH, the booth, and the light will work together.
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