8.5 Litre pots of for a SCROG, too small?


Hi All,

Just on with my second ever grow (day 25 flowering) and i've opted for the SCROG method. I'm growing in a 50/50 perlite/coco mix using the Autopot system.

I'm really happy with how things are going, but I have this niggle about the pot size in the back of my mind. They had about 4/5 weeks of veg, and have been topped a couple of times. There are a lot of bud sites and it worries me that this will mean I need a bigger pot. I would hate to get into the last couple of weeks and become root-bound.

I might be able to switch to 15 litre pots if i can move the scrog net carefully. Is it worth it? Am i worrying about nothing?

(Photo from day 20)

Thanks in advance.



Well-Known Member
Not good to transplant in flower. I'd leave it and on the next grow transplant just before flower.

My scrog has 4 plants per metre sq



Well-Known Member
I would have vegged in a small pot and then used 4 x 11L for flower. With smaller pots you could do more plants and a quicker veg period. More roots=more fruits!