8 days old.. whats wrong?


Well-Known Member
Soil grow, no nutes, under 4 cfls. I notice a little bit of curling and discoloring. I have a fan blowing on her, enough room for ventilation. Soil PH is 6.5 and the soil is slightly wet deep, dry top 1.5 inch.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
p.s. first photo (top view), the thing shining on the leaf is water (sprinkled a bit).


Well-Known Member
Is it ok to run the fan this early in the stage of its growth? Or should I wait until it grows a little stronger? When should I start nuting? (dyno-grow for veg / dyno-bloom for flowering see attachment below)



Well-Known Member
As for the nutes i would hold off for now. They still seem a little young. And your good when it comes to running the fan. Just make sure it oscillates. Look into getting a mist bottle.



Well-Known Member
Is it ok to run the fan this early in the stage of its growth? Or should I wait until it grows a little stronger? When should I start nuting? (dyno-grow for veg / dyno-bloom for flowering see attachment below)
the plant is ok, the fan blowing on it is ok, as for nutes i like to wait till i notice that my plants are not growing much anymore then i strt using nutes and watch em grow like crazy. This way you will not burn your plants cause you used nutes too early