8 Plant Grow Room Idea's!!!


Well-Known Member
hiya guys, long time no see....

been busy these last few months but now im back and i need to get started agen!!!

iv been lookin round, im only wonting 8 plants for personnal...so this is the equipment iv been looking at...post all opinoins and idea's to improove....i wonna get the best yeild/bud i can....iv got about £500 to spend and iv already got 1 600w hps light and ballast, 1 400w growlux light for veg, 1 fan and filter, im gunna get another 600w hps and some more milar to fill the room....right the links below are to some things iv been looking at....
o but first, anyone no where i can get a thermostat to work with my circ fans and elec heater?

Essentials Nutrient Management Kit / Conductivity / Nutrient management / AquaCulture Hydroponics
food and ph testing....£81

Wilma 8 Pot System / Wilma Pot Systems / Drip irrigation systems / AquaCulture Hydroponics
8 Pot Hydro setup....£100

GroWell > Hydroton Clay Pebbles
Growing medium....£14.50 x2

VitaLink MultiPack (Hard Water) / Flowering/yield boosters / Growth enhancers / AquaCulture Hydroponics
Plant food.....£61

VitaLink Growth Enhancer MultiPack / Root enhancers / Growth enhancers / AquaCulture Hydroponics
Growth enhancers....£20

VitaLink Max 5L Bloom (Soft Water) / Vita Link Plant Fertilisers / Two part nutrients / AquaCulture Hydroponics
extra Bloom Nuits....£30

VitaLink Max 5L Grow (Soft Water) / Vita Link Plant Fertilisers / Two part nutrients / AquaCulture Hydroponics
extra Grow nuits....£30

any other things you think i might need add in your reply...
im getting my first 8 from clones off my m8t....but im wonting to start my own mother plant aswell...im thinking either blueberry or bubblegum...

the clones im gettin are a blueberry cross, think its bluewidow but not sure!!

right thanks for your time guys, post your reply, opinoins and plz tell me your true opinions, i wonna get the best i can!!!

thanks guys moler :joint::joint::joint: