8 Pot Wilma System nute advice


Hi guys I'm about to start my first Hydroponic grow in the next few days using an 8 pot wilma system and clay pebbles. I'm at a bit of loss though as I have no idea how to dose my nutes in this system, it has 70 litre res and I will be using Biobizz Bio grow for veg and Biobizz Top max for flowering.

If some one can please shed some light on this I would be very grateful.

Thanks :)


Good one.... I didn't think of that.... I thought you had to dose differently for hydroponics, which the bottle funny enough don't mention. Any advice other than read the bottle which is the first thing I did. Do I use it in exactly the same way I would if I was using it on soil??


Well-Known Member
Not to sure, I use hydro nutes in mine, ionic grow bloom and boost. Get urself some hydro nutes m8. Ionic work good in the wilma, docent fuck about with the ph, I use wot it says on the bottle and get good results