8 Weeks Into Flowering - Outdoor Organic Rooftop Grow


Active Member
Hey guys! Here's some pictures of my outdoor grow around 8 1/2 weeks into flowering. This has been a largely organic grow, using compost and banana peel tea as the nutrients in some warm natural African sunlight. Reckon I still have 2/3 weeks to go before the buds fatten up and are ready to harvest. Would love some feedback! Stay blessed. Will keep you updated!

They look beautiful bro.
Well done in not using miracle grows and all that shit, next time try adding horse manure, last year my plants thrived with it.
Greetz fellow African,

They look good

banana peel tea
Same same with me.

Well done in not using miracle grows and all that shit

Plant's don't respect all that ®®® and $$$

next time try adding horse manure, last year my plants thrived with it.

Another +1

I bummed free horse manure from the stables at my local racetrack. Cost me a bicycle ride.
After I let it lay to mature and mellow in a concrete basin outside, I found mycelium and mushrooms growing.

I also got some rabbit shit from a lady who keeps two bunnies out back in our house.
When I gathered it, I found earthworms in amongst the poop and hay.

And a tip to speed up the maturing of all manure is to let it lay in the sun for a few weeks, and then push it all through a worm bin.
If worms are happy to cruise around inside the crap and eat and thrive ... then it's not gonna have enough ammonia piss left to burn your plants.

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Here's a thread with some of my home made organic feeds for Bloom time.

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Keep posted with harvest pics, and a smoke rating.

I'm around 4 weeks behind you with my outdoor grow.