80% outside humidity- what to do?


Hi my friends,

I have a humidity problem here and have lost a few plants to mold.
I have been having a hard time to lower the humidity in my indoor growroom,
As the average outside humidity here in Brazil is around 80%.

Can it be done using fans only?
Would an AC help?
Or a dehumidifier?

any help is much appreciated.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
dehumidifier would be my first suggestion...what seeds are you using some plants resist mold I would imagine local strains would also be good because they would probably be more tolerant?


Well-Known Member
An airconditioner would help, but if you don't have temp problems I would definitely go with a dehumidifier. Keep in mind the AC will produce lots of heat.


thanks for the reply. concerning setting up a dehumidifier, do i have to seal my growroom? do i keep venting fresh air form outside since it means introducing more humidity ?