81L Storage Box 120 Watt Stealth grow (

This is going to be a picture heavy thread. I'd like to show what I am doing to gain advice and possibly even give advice. Hope you enjoy the show.
Bag seed grow
  • Strain: unknown Sativa
  • Started 24/02/13 24hr light cycle.
  • Vegged for 3 days short of a month. Suspected stunting of growth, due to heat of the grow space and possibly Ph problems.
  • Using miracle grow max feed fertilizer for veg.
  • Induced 12/12 cycle on 21/03/13

She has shown sex, its a female with the prettiest pistils.

Post what you think?

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i would look into adding more 65w 6500k CFL's atleast two or three just for vegging... and lose the porch lights.. really just a heat problem.
The "porch lights" are atually 6400k 23 watt cfls, inside a reflector unit. They actually generate very little heat. Less than open coils, as they are a more expensive quality product. They are designed for outdoor use and so have to be. But Thanks lovelife lucy i will try to add more cfls. Just have to upgrade the ventillation as well!
UPDATE COMING w/ Flower Pictures


I'd say give a SCROG a shot next time, or at least LST, so you can maximize the space you're using. As well as it being easier for you, while using CFL, because the canopy won't change THAT much - so you won't have to move the CFLs as frequently.
Day 79:
Ok Guys another update. The buds are always getting fuller all the time. I have realized after i bought a thermometer that the temps were stunting growth. They sat at about 90 F with lights on. So i have since added a perspex (clear plastic) layer which acts as a cool tube for my lights. The hot air is trapped in the upper section of the grow box and doesn't reach the plant. Since doing this the temps sit at less than 80 F.

I have also added a CO2 generator. You can see the 1.5L bottle with the vinyl tubing coming out of it. It contains a yeast and sugar mixture which releases carbon dioxide. Ive heard CO2 supplementation can increase yield and heat tolerance.
where did you get those black light sockets? and do you just redrill everytime you reposition them in the box or how do you fasten them onto the walls of the container?
Alright my bad its day 79.
I purchased the black e27 light fixtures at Woolworths. The are convenient for a while, just swivel them a little to adjust height. But you do need to re drill a couple times. Now they are permanently at the top of my grow box. see in the photos. This in coupling with the perspex heat divider means i can reduce the temperature to about 80 F.
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Well-Known Member
Tough to throw down an estimate on ur yield without actually seeing it in person IMO. Looks dank tho nice work.