8ft squared grow room - need some info


Hey guys,

I'm currently in the process of finishing my 8ft squared grow room and I have a few enquiries.

Fresh air is coming in via a window which is quite high up, should I place the intake fan near where the window is and draw air in via ducts to the grow room? Or should I run a duct from the window to the intake fan which will be positioned near the bottom of the grow room?

I assume the carbon filter and extraction fan should be position on the opposite side of the room near the top?

I've got a 600w light at the moment. Will it be ok to place the plants around that until I can get another 400w light to cover the entire area? I'm currently only growing 5 plants. Just trying to foresee potential problems by moving my current setup into a larger room. I'm moving them because I'm running out of room in my grow tent. They're nearly touching the light and they're only 2 weeks into flowering. :-o

Finally, I'm currently using a fan that moves 250m3/hour for the intake and 400m3/hour for the extraction. Will this be ideal for when I intend to use the whole room or will I be needing some more juice?



Well-Known Member
I am stuck on imperial measurements but if you covert the m3 to ft3 you should have your answer. if you get a big enough extraction and can leave the window open you should be good. 600w should do 5 plants nicely. what size pots you have them in? if they are getting too tall might want to lst, bend, supercrop if your light does not have more room to be moved up. sounds like you are on your way to a nice grow room! good luck


Google says 1 cubic metre = 35.3146667 cubic feet.

The pots can support plants of a height up to 1.2 metres. The pot sizes are 7.5 litre (7.5 litres = 1.64976868 Imperial gallons)

Judging the intake fan on full power I think it's plenty because I could probably dry my hair if I stuck my head near the outlet ducting.

It looks like they've stopped growing vertically now as I can finally see the buds getting bigger each day. I've literally got a couple of inches between them and the light which isn't air cooled. There's a fan blowing just above the canopy which is preventing the plants from melting.

I'll take some pictures of the completed room, but I've basically copied the one from Jorge Cervantes' ultimate grow dvd.