9 weeks flowering... pics ... first grow


Well-Known Member
600 watt hps from start to finish... Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil... Vegged for 40 days... 22 inch at start of flowering 50 inch when all said and done.... Bag seed first grow ever.... Technaflora grow and bloom organic hydro nutes.... Brer Rabbit molasses... Distilled water only.....



Well-Known Member
molasses? for what?
I add 1 - 2 tblsp of mollases with a gallon of water.... It makes the buds taste sweeter and I have also heard it will make your buds slightly bigger.... Who knows, it definatly helps the taste of your finished product....:hump:


Well-Known Member
Sickk dude you know what strain it is?
Looks like it got some sativa traits but who knows
Very nice looking pLant hope to find out final dry weight as this seems like it was farly easy and low budget!


Well-Known Member
Sickk dude you know what strain it is?
Looks like it got some sativa traits but who knows
Very nice looking pLant hope to find out final dry weight as this seems like it was farly easy and low budget!
Very low budget... Im not sure the strain... Got the seed outta bag of nuggys... Easy is also an understatement, a common misconception is that it is hard, it is a weed and sometimes it will grow just to spite you...


Well-Known Member
:shock: Beautiful man. Only one tho? With that light you should have had a few more at least. There is always a next time... Very nice crop


Well-Known Member
:shock: Beautiful man. Only one tho? With that light you should have had a few more at least. There is always a next time... Very nice crop
This was my see if it was possible for me grow... My answer is stinking up my house as I type... I am going to add a 1000 watt switchable mh/hps and try for 10-12 next time....


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. With the way it went for you this time, next time should be way more interesting and fun with 10 or 12. You have to share how the smoke is...bongsmilie


Active Member
man i would say that your plant can be pulled right now those leaves at the top are really yellow the longer you let it go the thc will turn into cbd and will change the effect of your high


Well-Known Member
that is a beautiful plant good grow...ohh and the molasses makes sense because plants use sugars as a main food


Well-Known Member
man i would say that your plant can be pulled right now those leaves at the top are really yellow the longer you let it go the thc will turn into cbd and will change the effect of your high
Friday is the big day.... I still dont see any amber colr trichs so I am going to wait until week 10....


Well-Known Member
hang in there deez, the extra week or so will pay off in the end. Fuck waiting sucks don't it? Got the two in my closet right now, and they still have some clear triches, but i'm gonna stick it out til the end!