90x70x200 cabinet w/pics + material list (extra cabinet)


Well-Known Member
Hey yall !

This is my new grow which I was kinda forced into building from scratch because my other one in a rented garage was discovered. I built cabinet 1 and I realized that it's too small for cloning/veg/bloom so I decided to build another cabinet for clone/veg and use the older cabinet just for bloom. I should get 20% higher yield from this change. I am not sure what strain I have because it was given to me by a friend who knew this guy who had been growing this for over 15 years due to his illness. Now this blessed fighter has passed away and his son didn't want anything to do with these plants so they found their way to me. Any ideas about what strain this is? (any help appreciated)

Like everything else, I build all I can myself just because it gives me much pleasure to create.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln

List of material
*Before you buy this, double check all measurements and sizes.
** Not a complete list, you could need more things. You can add them in comments
CABINET 1 ( Bloom )
Wood beams :
22 x 24 x 2000 - 4 pcs
22 x 24 x 852 - 4 pcs
22 x 24 x 656 - 8 pcs
Wood boards :
912 x 2012 x 6 - 2 pcs
712 x 2012 x 6 - 2 pcs
700 x 900 x 6 - 2 pcs
700 x 900 x 6 - 1 pcs (saw out 24x24 of each corner)

CABINET 2 ( Vegitative ) - to be built this week or next
Wood beams :
22 x 24 x 1300 - 4 pcs
22 x 24 x 952 - 4 pcs
22 x 24 x 556 - 7 pcs
Wood boards :
1300 x 600 x 6 - 2 pcs
1300 x 1012 x 6 - 1 pcs
612 x 1012 x 6 - 2 pcs
1000 x 600 x 6 - 1 pcs (saw out 24x24 of each corner)

Grow equipment
125w 6400k cfl + reflector
GHE 27 plant cutting board
ATAMI Wilma 4 - with 4x 11 liter buckets
600w HPS in a Cooltube
240/360 cfm exhaust fan through Cooltube and carbon filter
Grodan Rockwool 2x2 cubes

Miscellaneous stuff
Air temperature gauges
Water temperature gauges
Easy rollers
Panda plastic
Air ducts 10"
Door hinges
Silicone glue
Digital EC meter
Branch trimmers
Leaf trimmers

Nutrition and liquids
GHE products:
Grow ( green )
Multimineral ( brown )
Bloom ( pink )
Diamond Nectra
pH up
pH down
ATAMI Root stimulator

This is the basic formula I try to follow but as you know the amount of nutrients dissolved in the water always build up. I do change water every 2-3 weeks so I can control how much is dissolved in the water. Max EC I've seen is around 3.6 but it is usually around 2.0 - 2.6 and I have just pH drop tester so my tests are not accurate but I usually have to add 2-3 ml of pH down every 2-3 days into my 40 liter reservoir. My plants drink up maybe 70-80% of that water every 2-3 weeks.

ml/10 liters

Grow ( green )

Clones - 2
Vegetative - 15
Bloom - 5

Multimineral ( brown )

Clones - 2
Vegetative - 10
Bloom - 10

Bloom ( pink )Clones - 2
Vegetative - 5
Bloom - 15

Root stimulator

Clones - 15
Vegetative - 0
Bloom - 0

Photo 0211 (Medium).jpg
Photo 0214 (Medium).jpgPhoto 0213 (Medium).jpgPhoto 0222 (Medium).jpgPhoto 0221 (Medium).jpgPhoto 0219 (Medium).jpgPhoto 0218 (Medium).jpgPhoto 0223 (Medium).jpgPhoto 0220 (Medium).jpg

Comments and questions are appreciated


Well-Known Member
I bought most of the material for the new and smaller veg/clone cabinet today. I will start building tomorrow or over the weekend.
I will update this post as I go along with descriptions and pictures.

And please comment or ask questions if you have them.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your kind remark. It's not very hard to build something like this.
Just plan ahead and draw or imagine how you want your end product to look like.

But on the update on the new cabinet, I found the rest of my screws today but there were only about 20 left so I have
to go tomorrow and pick up a new box. Not a bad idea to buy at least a box of 200, the size I use is 4.0x25 (mm)
Note to self: ! buy more Velcro =)


Well-Known Member

I've got everything I need as far as I can think of. Just bought a box of screws today and some extra velcro.

I started measuring the bars for the frame first and marked them with numbers. I need to get my saw from a friends grow to saw my bars to the right length because the numbnut at the woodshop couldn't get it right.

I will need to recalculate everything due to the IDIOT gave me the wrong size bars (should be 22mm x 24mm but are 22mm x 22mm

Will post more tomorrow!

Here are the frame bars: ((sry for image) you can see how I marked where I should saw them)
1. 4x 1300mm
2. 4x 952mm
3. 7x 556mm
Photo 0235 (Large).jpg


Well-Known Member
And now I have finished almost everything.

Let the show begin... well first of I would like to thank everyone here who
have posted their designes and ideas and I really enjoy reading everyones
opinion and suggestions so please comment .
And I am sorry about poor picture quality, just had my junk camera phone. My sister borrowed my Canon.

Photo 0236 (Large).jpg
You can see I labeled every board so that I would be sertain to use the right one


Well-Known Member
Photo 0237 (Large).jpg

Here I finished covering the insides with duo-PVC plastic, white on the insied for reflecting light and black on the outside. I tacked the plastic in place with staples.


Well-Known Member
Photo 0239 (Large).jpg

Here have the back and right side panel been screwed together. You can see in the back that I've screwed the frame on the left side panel also and I didn't screw any frame on the back panel (you will see why later).


Well-Known Member
Photo 0240 (Large).jpg

Here I've finished putting together all sides and the top panel.
NB: no frame on the back panel yet


Well-Known Member
Photo 0241 (Large).jpg

Ok, I admit that alot happened since the last photo.
Here I've finished almost all the construction part.

* Frames were put on the back panel at this stage because they are usually wedged in place and it is very difficult to screw them in the right place before hand.
* The bottom panel was screwed on and also the rest of the frame bars. I put two support bars ontop of the bottom panel aproximately 30 cm from each side.
* The cabinet bottom was then WEDGED in place. It was a very tight fit but I managed to jam it in there and had to screw it down so it wouldn't bulge up.
* Two support bars were also screwed in place on the top panel for lamps and other equipment.


Well-Known Member
Photo 0242 (Large).jpg

I choose to put only PVC platic as the front panel so it would be easier to open and close the cabinet. I might put a door on that thing in the future but for now this will do just fine. I put velcro strips on the sides and stapled the top 20 cm to the frame (don't need to see that high in the cabinet anyway) and also across the top panel