911! I need some input or cure advice asap plz!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello All,

I've been curing some sour D I grew in soil (2 gallon pot, flushed 2 weeks)...It dried for about 4 days in a rubbermaid dryer box with racks lined with paperbags I made. I only harvested the bigger colas at that time so on that 4th day the buds were very crunchy and the stem was not quite to snappage yet...

I wanted to get them jarred then to avoid overdrying them (because that's what happened my last/1st harvest when I waited for the stems to snap)...so they've been in the jar for 2 or 2 1/2 weeks...I figured it would just be a slower cure this way...the entire time it's kinda smelled earthy or hayish I guess...which is the exact opposite of how it smelled on the plant...I've been breathing the jars twice a day everyday...in the beginning it was like an hour or so f breathing each time because it was still pretty fresh...then once it started to feel a little more crispy/spongy on the buds everytime I opened it I lowered the time to 15-30 minutes depending on the strength of earthy smell I was picking up when I opened it up.

Just a few days ago the stems started snapping pretty cleanly so I lowered breathing time to 10-15 minutes each time. The Earthy smell isn't as strong and it seems more hay like now...if you tear a nugg it still kinda smells the bomb way it did flowering (I say that because I've only squeezed a few nugs and twisted juuuust a little)...

The reason I haven't just grinded one up yet is because I'm hoping that because the buds took the extra time to get to full snappage that the real "cure" is still early in stage.

What do you guys think? I've spent the last week googling and reading stuff on here and I thought I was doing pretty good from the info I gathered...am I still on the right track? if not is there anything I can do??? Thanks.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
sounds like you should have jarred them a bit sooner. I would leave in jars until they are done and you got snappage, then vent every 2 days for a week, then not at all. Sounds like the paper racks helped dry it up pretty quick....Should be fine though. Smell should get better.


Well-Known Member
im still having trouble perfecting the cure myself buddy, so you arent alone!

my last grow was bagseed, and never truly got a skunk smell, so im chalking that one up to strain/improper cure (i over dried most of them as well) and the ones that weren't over dry, started getting the faintest tastes of mold (though none actually visible). While i hate to link to a different site (there are several curing guides on this site that have great info) this thread seems to be the closest to actual science i can find, so it may be worth a read to ya.

-edit- wow all that and i still forgot to add that link! lol, here ya go:

ya i know that this post wasn't exactly helpful, and that a link to a thread may not be exactly what you hoped for, but i wanted you to know you weren't alone =D