9th week flower normal or problems


As I’ve said in other posts, I’m a total newbie, this is my first ever grow and I’m just learning as I go.

Seeds were a gift and no idea what strain. Promix HP in (small) pots outdoors. Using advanced nutrients micro, grow, bloom, 2ml each per liter.
Middle of 9th week flower.
Been battling PM for a few weeks, from lots of rain and humidity. spraying with citric acid+water after sun down.

Buds grew kind of bent because they grew tall and heavy and I didn’t have enough to support them.

Anyway recently leaves have been gradually yellowing then turning brown and crispy and I’m not sure if this is just normal for this stage or I have a problem and need to change something.

Commenting on my own post because it is lonely :D
Any tips on whether these plants are heading towards a disaster or just heading to the finish line?
Natural fade looks like trees with leaves changing in Fall

Nutrient burn or deficiency causes brown edges and brown leaves. In cases where the leaves are still bright green that is usually a little nute burn.

Pic 1 has some natural fade in the leaves
Pic 2 is more of a nutrient issue and seems mild i.e. slightly high nute concentration. Otherwise you are on a glide path to the finish.
I hope you're not spraying citric acid every night. Too much of anything can be bad. As for the rain. Those plants are small enough that you should be able to make some kind of cover for them.

Good luck.
Thanks for the replies, doesn’t sound like too much of a problem so far.
They are about 6 feet tall, but once I saw the PM I started bringing them inside when there was rain.
I’m spraying citric acid once or twice a week based on whether it shows up again or not.
…and today I have found these little bastards. I’m thinking they are aphids. What’s the best plan of attack when in flower?
…and today I have found these little bastards. I’m thinking they are aphids. What’s the best plan of attack when in flower?
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I use Grandevo up til harvest. Expensive but it kicks ass, only thing I found to work on aphids. Also kills pretty much every other cannabis pest like mites, thrips etc.

I only have to use it about once every 3 weeks because it is like a nuclear bomb.