a bit more than a hobby garden


Active Member
alright so, i decided to take a friend up on his offer to watch his plants in a cabbin in the woods. we got a large amount of clones to start up in the cabbinafter spending 2 weeks in the cabbin sitting on thease babies and having no sucess, an a million and 1 problems, including the clones beeing cuy by a novice, and beeing compleetly infested with mites,after killing all the plants than magicly bringin them all back to life, then agan killing off half the plants for good, we decided to bring them back to the city and try and get them into a more contorlled enviroment. this also bombed pritty hard. when i got back from the cbbin, my roomate took e to my bedroom and showed me 2 tents he had purchesed the day before, after staying up all night and pputting the tents up we decided to go back to the cabbin (a 9 hour round trip done at midnight) we brought them home and set them up in the larger of the 2 tents with a simple cfl to keep them going till we could find somthing more sutiable for them. witch didnt take long beeing in the city we live in (vancouver) so the next day we went over to my brothers place, to talk to the lady that owns the house to see where she got all her stuff from. this was a strong dissapointment, but good investment and warning.
after talking to her for a while and showing her some pics of the setup in my room se informed me that we had bought the same brand of tent, from the same store she had got hers from, proud of ourselves, we were quickley shot down, once she took us into the next room and showed us a nice pile of tent on the floor. apperently thease tents are prone to gass off and kill some plants. she had lost 3 previous crops due to this. the trip to her house was not a compleet loss though. we picked up some old equipment that she had laying around, every thign we neede to get our tents rocking. so we came home ad set up the room, witch was a beautifull sithe to see. we trans planted 36 clones into 1 gal pots and filled the tent. about 4 days later and after deciding after countless hours of reaserch we decided the yellowing of some leafs was due to off gassing. immeataly takin the plants out of the tent and taking that fucker apart was our first action, we then re constructed an open tent with some black and white polly. as it stands right now we have 5 plants that we have upped the nutes on and it seems that there dooing a little beter, so tomorow after we get some ph down we are going to give the rest of the plants the nutes we gave the 5 controlled plants last night. we are now almost a month into the veg stage, but because of all of the problems and the lask of root mass in the clones when i first planed them most of the plants are pritty stunted, som still only growing an inch or 2 in the last month others have grown 6 to 8 inches.

hthis grow has now turned from a chore and me trying to save money by growing my own smoke, to a hobby/full time job for me to keep thease little ladies happy. and also a huge money pit. but it has givin us somthing to look foword to when we come home from work every night, and somthing to think about all day at work.

i have tonns of pictures to post and with them will come more indepth explanations of what has gone on with my girls, but i am going to go make some dinner now and wait till 7 to wake the ladies up from there nap. after that i will grab some pics to show you how we hafe somwhat fixed the yellowing problem, and i will post my picture time line.
see yall in a bit, and happy growing :bigjoint: