A bit of guidance please..


Hello all, I really need to be pointed in the right direction..
I'm a severe manic bipolar...like a tweaker with add naturally.. Add I aged the symptoms got worse.. On pills I went, Lithium, both times I had severe physical reactions.. Tonight being the second one and after searching the web and finding more twisted side effects than I care to see. I decided to see ,if possible, I could use THC...
I do not like to smoke, I use it for edibles and drinks. I've never tried dab, vape, or strait oil..

I have a mix for nights... And some things to use during the day but that is costly at the moment..

Heavy hitting indica's, high THC, cost effective or is there a legit Dr. Or similar person who can help me dose correctly?

I really need some help here.. Something you may think is trivial, could be a price to a puzzle.

Thanks for reading..


Active Member
I would definitely recommend a predominantly indica strain for your purpose, as for dosage it is quite difficult to judge a precise milligram scale dosage of THC or CBD from raw plant matter. All I can say about that is to start out small and if you don't like to smoke your safest bet would probably be to use a vaporizer or an E Cigarette. I wouldn't suggest a strain with high THC as that would probably be counterproductive to your condition, if you have options then go for one with a relatively high CBD content and less than 15% THC. Hope I said something useful, good luck man =)


I would definitely recommend a predominantly indica strain for your purpose, as for dosage it is quite difficult to judge a precise milligram scale dosage of THC or CBD from raw plant matter. All I can say about that is to start out small and if you don't like to smoke your safest bet would probably be to use a vaporizer or an E Cigarette. I wouldn't suggest a strain with high THC as that would probably be counterproductive to your condition, if you have options then go for one with a relatively high CBD content and less than 15% THC. Hope I said something useful, good luck man =)
Thank you, bought my first vape and for me it's opposite.. The higher the THC the better..

Sativa and CBD induce anxiety, paranoia and a really rough 4 hour mind twist..

With my head normally doing 100mph and 1,000 mph when in manic mode. It's horrible going that fast and thinking in that fashion.

I'm so tired.. Ugh.. Would you or anyone else reading this know a good link or book about infusing drinks without using cannabutter? 99% of recipes for smoothies, shakes etc. Involved using cannabutter.

Thank you once again for your response.. It was well needed.

Time to end this 48 hour stretch. Me and my new pen have a date.



I actually learned of a completely organic supplement that had been proven in countless studies and even some cities/ countries poor it in the water. The statistics are jaw dropping.. So one again a big FU to the pharmaceutical industry for hushing a cure so they can peddle it's cousin that if not monitored closely proves to be fatal.. Where as Americans did we go wrong. No side effects+no toxicity+earth based= $0 for the man but life and well being for potential millions.. But kidney failure+rapid hair loss+high risk for fatal toxicity= billions for the man

Yes, if you walked in my shoes the past three years you'd be pissed too. But for today I have hope. I will share some links if anyone is interested.

Complacency is just laziness, Period.


Active Member
A good way to infuse cannabis into drinks would either be by extracting it into very high proof alcohol (although that has an obvious downside) or you could extract it into Vegetable Glycerin like when making e juice, VG as far as I know is safe for oral consumption and you could make a cannabis tincture with it and just pump a squirt into your morning OJ or whatever you're into. Also it can be done with milk but its not the most pleasant of drinks that's for sure...