A bit rusty after two year break, advice and guidance needed


Active Member
Hi, I took a long break from growing and I've recently kicked in again but I'm having a few issues getting my girls comfortable, I'll list my setup and then explain my problems.

16 White Sharks in IWS flood and drain system.
Hydroton clay pebbles.
House & Garden Aqua Flakes A&B.
Bluelabs truncheon.
Regularly calibrated PH meter.
4x600w adjust-a-shades.
Active intake from outside
Carbon filter extraction up disused chimney.

My girls were started from guaranteed fem seeds in small soil pots, I let them fill the pots for a few weeks almost until rootbound and trasplanted them into my IWS system a week and half ago, they were looking nice and healthy but started to yellow after a few days, I noticed one plant with slightly crispy tips on one leaf and got a bit nervous about nutrient potency so I backed the nutrient strength from 0.4-0.6 EC down to 0.4 and started directly topping up the pots with clean PH 5.5 water.

This has been going on for a week and my plants have grown new sets of leaves with no more sign of nute burn but they are very pale and have signs of deficiency, they are also stunted with very little vertical growth, I still have five untransplanted plants sitting in their pots (in the same room) looking nice and dark.

I checked the roots last night, all the plants have reached the bottoms of the pots and the stems are thickening, I took this as a sign to start feeding again as I've previously noticed newly transplanted plants start to cannibalise their leaves to build roots, I've moved the strength back to between 0.4 and 0.6 EC and am now watching carefully.

Lamps are kept well away from the girls but I think room temps might be a bit high, I need to buy a new thermometer to be sure, temps have always been a bit on the high side in there but it never caused me any serious problems before.

I'm flooding every two to three hours for 15 minutes at a time, lights were on 24hrs for most of the time but I dropped down to 18/6 four days ago, experience has shown me that rooting plants prefer a bit of dark.

I know pics are everything so I'll be digging out my old camera and uploading a few shots later on, I just need a few experienced hydro growers to guide me back into the groove :)


Active Member
sounds lik ur gettn ur rust out WDeranged but u may regret dropping ur hours down depends how long there were under 24 hours/strain
i dont grow in hydro corn/clay pepples but im wondering if 3-5 min hour wouldnt be better as if they dry salt builds and is pian to remove from those pepples i hear