A breath of fresh air


Active Member
I've been a member here for a long time, just have spent the majority of my time looking and not commenting (grew emotionally attached to another weed forum as well) . Decided to try a more detailed chronicle of my efforts here to gather my thoughts for future cycles. I am currently maintaining two separate rooms and my passion is for Bagseed; the smaller room for veg is a closet 2 x 4 divided so that I'm conducting a side by side with a 90 watt UFO LED on one and a 4 bulb converted wall unit with two 42 watt and two 23 watt CFL. I've grown accustomed to my cycle playing out in around 100 to 120 days from seed to chop although I've just recently begun the veg routine. These are scheduled to hit the main room in about a week or two and then I'm starting a fresh round about every three to four weeks to maintain a perpetual environment in the flowering room. The main room is a larger 4 x 4.5 closet is pure CFL madness with a mind numbing amount of assorted bulbs to try to hit all angles with the most intensity possible from my admittedly poor choice of lighting. Roll call currently is two 68's, two 55's, two 42's, and twenty eight 23's for an equivalent of 4100 watts. I've refined the routine over four runs in a little over a year to achieve nearly a pound in that 120 days. I seem to have an incessant need to babble about my feelings and for those who become readers of these adventures in self discovery, I can only offer an early warning that most of it doesn't make sense to me so don't try to make too much out of my drivel.


Active Member
Realized that I didn't mention that the side by side is the only store bought seeds you're likely to ever see me attempt; Golden Tiger a malawi x maeo thai sativa with an advertized 11 to 14 week flowering period. The girls in these are the last five from my current effort and have about two or three weeks left before the ax. The first pic is what I'd imagined the Tigers to look like from day one and will likely need quite a while to fill out. I've had a pheno or two like this in all my grows and so far haven't had the patience to let them finish.



Active Member
I guess it's mainly this sub-forum and that's fine for my solitary nature, but folks here do a shitload of window shopping before offering any comments; looking at the first page of this forum there are the average of .03 replies per page view. Just thought it was kinda odd for so many lookers with nothing to say.
how well do your plants veg under the 90 ufo and cfl bulbs? I take it since you're flowering with CFL bulbs as well, that you don't veg them long/make them very tall?


Active Member
This is my first run with the side by side; an experiment to see which is better but to be honest I won't draw any conclusions about it for a few more runs just to confirm my findings. As my previous efforts have played out, they start sexing on their own in a 12/12 by the end of the first month; boys show up first then a few days later the girls start popping up. In the four runs I did over the past year, the entire room stayed around three feet tall which I adapted my lights to take the best advantage of. Because I have so many individual sources I'm confidant that I can literally wrap them in light no matter how big they get in the end. With the silent majority here perhaps this will ultimately turn out to be a better sounding board for my evolution as a grower. On the other site, there is a tremendous amount of pressure from those who comment to upgrade my lighting, and a real unspoken disdain for bagseed. Afraid I'm digging in my heels and am determined to meet my personal needs with what I have. Cloning is the other imperative that I'm just not willing to bow to; my delight in smoking weed for the past 40 years is the differences afforded by each succeeding experience. What began as a social lubricant as an early teen has evolved into maintenance therapy for a number of physical and psychological issues. I always arrogantly thought that the rest of America couldn't continue to deny the true value and efficacy of weed on all these fronts and it would be legalized in just a few years; I've been waiting for 40 now and it still looks as if it's a long way off. I'm also trying to break from my habit of babbling away and not offering pics of my efforts, so enjoy random pics of what I've done over the past year to fill up space.

