A few odd noob questions about LEDs

So I have a technical background in the auto industry and we use LEDs for all types of specific tests and applications one of the things they excel at is targeting a specific light spectrum range.

How much energy does the plant actually need to complete it's growth cycle efficiently. Instead of using a lamp that wastes energy and defeating the purpose of the stealth setup requirements I need to meet. Simplicity is the key however I am weary of the initial investment on an experiment only to find the return down not justify the time and money spent.

I guess a real question would be to the seasoned pros here is has the technology advanced to a practical point yet or what I am looking for is still a few years down the road. Going on vacation is something I really enjoy doing and my work schedule keeps my free time limited to sporadic blocks here and there.

If there is something large enough to grown maybe a few tomatoes and some peppers as well as a few small additions of my own. The low power consumption and decreased heat energy of the LED is particularly appealing. A simple hydro system that can be set and left for a few days is absolutely necessary.

Thanks in advance and I look forward to learning more about growing in general. I imagined hydroponic vegetation growing was similar to keeping a large stocked fish tank semi combined with the outdoor vegetable garden I have been passively tending for the past few years but in a smaller more precise indoor enclosure.

Happy Holidays all.