a few pictures and a few questions


Active Member
The first pic is a bagseed that I grew last year and really liked. I found 3 seeds in her. This is the only female. She sprouted on april 10 and has been in a 6L pot with organic potting soil and a generous handful of cow dung pellets from the getgo. I fed her some high nitrogen guano after about a month. I got a little generous with the bio-rhizotonic as you can see, but after a 3 day flush with PHd water she was fine. I topped her at the 7th node about a week ago, now I'm debating pruning some of the lower growth so the plant puts more energy into the upper branches. What do you guys think? The other 2 pics are random bag seeds with even numbers of leaves. Anyone know why they grew like that?



Well-Known Member
Don't necessarily prune the lower growth, prune the inner growth that is not near the base of the stem. The stalks will grow much bigger buds the closer they are to the bottom of the main stem. If you remove the first true set of leaves the node between that leaf and the main stem will grow into a main cola. Try that out and you'll be guaranteed 5 nice colas if you do it twice


Active Member
Don't necessarily prune the lower growth, prune the inner growth that is not near the base of the stem. The stalks will grow much bigger buds the closer they are to the bottom of the main stem. If you remove the first true set of leaves the node between that leaf and the main stem will grow into a main cola. Try that out and you'll be guaranteed 5 nice colas if you do it twice
This is what I always do and it works 100%. Im a firm believer in defoliation! :-P