a few quesions before harvest...


Active Member
hey, I have had these plants for around 3-4 months now and i have had them on 12/12 for a little over a week now.

I have nursed 2 beautiful females (had to hack down a male yesterday) and have been watching the nodes become more prominent each and every day.

My questions are as follows:

1. How long does it take for the plant to come to a fully healthy, smokeable bud? (after nodes have been found)

2. how can you spot a hermi??

3.Is it a good idea to keep the humidity up until about the last 10 days? (helps rez up buds???)

Also, are there any good suggestions to make sure that this all goes well??

I would love to take into account as much information and ideas as possible.

THANKS!!!! :hump:


Well-Known Member
1. Depends on the strain. Indica's usually mature faster than Sativa's.

2. Look for the Banana's every day.

3. Just make sure you always have good air circulation and you shouldn't have to worry too much about that.


Well-Known Member
The plant is smokeable once it has thc on it but this is where most folk go wrong you need to wait and keep a eye on the thc on the buds but i always check just on the leaves comeing out of the nugs this is where it is easy to spot the change in coulour,wait till they go same coulour has larger.i always take the top buds off first because these normaly change first then i chop these off leaveing the bottom section for another 1/2/3/week just depends but it helps getting the most from your plants you will be suppised how much you will get of the fluffy buds at the bottom of the plant.hermis are easy to spot they just show like a small section at the start of a node these look like grapes if you have grown plants that are not femanised then you will easy beable to tell if it is a hermi.if you do spoyt a male or hermi be realy care fill when removeing it it is at this stage that the pollon normaly falls off onto the females,i keep any plants that i havent sexed yet well out of the way of my females just buy a 150 watt cfl low energy daylight spec or good old flouresents over them but flourents have a tendency to take up alot more room so i use just one cfl the connector has a crocodile clip on i have these inces of the tops for around 2/3 week till they show there sex then i put them under a cardboard box at night if you have the lights on say from 7 in the morning till 7 at night you dont need them near any other grow area,just looks like a lamp is on but you cant see any how it don'tgo dark till at least 9.30 in the uk.i like to keep the humidity down during the final 4 week this way you are not gonna get any problems with mould.i hae a exaust fan in both budding areas and during the last 4 week i have a extra small exaust fan just a bathroom one that take condensation out of the bathroom this has always worked for me but i grow alot of plants in a couple of small areas.and have a cloneing/mother room in the same room.i start bringging the next batch on from clone when there is 4 week to go this means the plants are around 6 ince tall then i put them in the flowering room on vegg for 2 more week before vegging.by doing this you get a crop every 10 week you could clone 2 week earlyer and have a crop every 8 week i have done this and this works too.