a few questions


Well-Known Member
...its possible you can delete all my post in this forum?...
...if the answer is yes... ...how i can or what I should do?...
...if the answer is no ...then...
...you can move all my post in this forum and bring them together in a single thread?...
...if he answer is yes... ...how i can or what I should do?...

...sorry for my bad english... its not my mother lenguage...

pd... I can not access to the email account that is associated with this forum....
...Please do not send me email/s to that account since not rot to see or read emails there...
...that email address I give for closed...
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Staff member
you have to change your own email in your own settings or make it so you dont get emails
click your name at the top righ hand side and go to "contact details" unclick receive emails and than save changes.

We wont delete all your posts on this forum and we cannot move posts from different areas all into one thread.