a hole buch of questions


Active Member
hi everone
im a new grower and dont know how to keep my clones going till my cupbord can be turned to grow again which is about 7 weeks away if it takes 10 weeks. i was told to take my clones befor i turned my plants to flower. is this correct? so now im thee weeks into flower and i have roots 6 inches long on my clones. i have just trans planted them into the pots i plane to grow in but i only have sunlite about 15 hours here in australia will this get them through?
also im not giving them nutes yet should i be? and any other info would be greatly appreciated. i have attached a pic of moma plant can any one tell me anything about what stain it is i hope the pic help thanks heeps.




Well-Known Member
yes you can take clones during flower..
if you only have sunlight for 15 hours you might be causing all the plants to flower, which is ok..
and yea i would give it some type of flower bloom to help with flowering and give them bigger buds..based on your pic it looks like they were ok without the nutes..maybe you had some pretty decent soil

you cant really tell the strain from looking at the pic..you can only assume..and the closest you would get would probably saying whether its indica or sativa..but regardless it looks like some pretty good indo smoke bro..keep doing whatever it is youve been doing


Active Member
moma plant been getting nutes since i got her but not my clones that i cut. clones they are about 12 inches tall now growing madly with nice close nodes looking good i have the little clay balls for a medium (hydro) and just water. im worried if i add nutes without strong lite they will stretch and without they will die. what do i do???? moma plant pic is at end of third week of flower cycle. and can any one tell me how much to trim the leaves as per pic you can see getting lite to bottom of plant is a mission and i love her madly and dont want her to die now im near the end????

happy growing