A light in the woods...


Active Member
Hey guys, have some seeds on the way, and I am going to plant them in a wooded area - my question is, the trees in the woods create quite a canopy, but there are holes - to find the most light, should I simply meander throughout the woods at different points in the day to find the spots that provide the most light? Or is there a certain time of day that I can venture out and find a lit spot that might be best? I'm not sure if I'm wording what I want to know properly, but hopefully you cats'll understand! Thank you! :mrgreen:


Elite Rolling Society
Back in the early 80s, I grew out in the woods. I had 2 partners and we grew on a large island in a very large fresh water lake. We grew out in the open. during the summer, we went there with our fishing gear and pretended to fish until we were sure no one else was around. There were ofte others around fishing, but they only went into the woods to pee , then they would return to the banks of the lake to fish. During the autumn, we pretended to hunt,, and we did the same game. We did this 6 years and every year we planted more and more and never got caught. We didn't know crap about growing, we didn;'t know what a stamen or trichome was. We always harvested when the weather man said the first frost was coming.
Try to figure out a better place than IN the woods, under trees. Maybe in a open space where there are power lines.

p.s. I shoulda said what DoobsDay said. i was stoned.


Well-Known Member
it dosent need direct sunlight all day, and unless your area is very secluded i would not plant them in the open. the edge of the woods are good spots to use


Well-Known Member
The sun moves when your there it might be sun but in a hour or so it will be shady.Try to find a open secluded area


Active Member
IF your planing on planting near large power lines hide them good because workers do regular maintence on those.. i had the same problem lol