A litte pinching and a little bending


Well-Known Member
hey man i am fairly new to growing but its looking pretty good
what kinda lamps are those exactly?
would you also wanna share a bit more about your experience so far?
This is my first grow, and for that plant I'm using, 2 _36 watt 2600 k CFLs and 2_26 watt 2400 k on the top and 2 of the 26s on the side. I've been reading a lot mainly on riu.
Ok so here's an update. I ended up with a male, a female, and one that don't have hairs or balls yet. Those are the last two pics, tell me male or female?IMG_20120909_144249.jpgIMG_20120909_144324.jpgIMG_20120909_144404.jpgIMG_20120909_144427.jpgIMG_20120909_144443.jpgIMG_20120909_144500.jpgIMG_20120909_144548.jpg


Active Member
Those dogs will hunt.
Dude, I'm lovin' your one liner there. Just one question: It isn't originally from Fringe right? Just sayin... it's my favorite running show, and my mind instantly went there.

BTW, any links with advice to this method, is that the 'official' name pinching and bending? From my reading, I haven't come across it before.
Looking great chilledoutnc. I wanna see how this turns out.
I came a cross a guy on here that went to far with his LST and worked out just fine. Some were saying its called supercropping. Ill keep updateing with new pics, whenever I get a chance. :-)
Hey guys, there's a few new pics. The confermed female was tring to grow back normal so I took some ceiling grid wire and made a few check mark looking things for all the branches. The other one still hasn't shown hairs for balls,but it kinda looks like small hairs on the inside of the top colas. Ill upload more pics saterday. IMG_20120910_054926.jpgIMG_20120910_054936.jpgIMG_20120910_054947.jpgIMG_20120910_055004.jpgIMG_20120910_055026.jpgIMG_20120910_055026.jpgIMG_20120910_055046.jpgIMG_20120910_055628.jpgIMG_20120910_055643.jpgIMG_20120910_055658.jpgIMG_20120910_055736.jpgIMG_20120910_055741.jpgIMG_20120910_055747.jpg


Active Member
i can vouch for supercropping...with me, it seems that the more I physically abuse my plants, the better they grow... supercropping = good


Well-Known Member
i have my clones just going to flip to 12/12 on friday. i repotted them yesterday and tied them down to pot, there 6 under a 400w hps in a 3x3 grow room with 5" extraction and 4" intake running on slow. also 5 critical mass clones i got yesterday going on veg in my 4x4 i plan on letting veg till bout the 5th october maybe a week after depending on the size, let me no what yous lads think and any tips to help keep my canopy even and getting a bigger yeild


Looking good man. I'm finding even if you link the stems they'll be just fine. On my girls the main colas are kinked and even split in some places and everything is still green and lush. I'm also about to switch to a 400 watt HPS light for flowering let me know how it goes. But here check out this pic of my canopy you can see that it's 100IMG_20120918_113745.jpg percent level.