A little Help over here...


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Can you guys help me out here? My plant looks sad. One of them looks pretty good but the other is suffering from "rams horns or Eagles claws."

2 Lemon haze
17 days flower
Fox farm line
Ocean forest/happy frog soil
Average high 79F
Average night time low 63 F
6.3 PH watering
6.9-7.1 PH runoff

I've tried watering less often and drooped the nitrogen significantly. I just can't seem to get her to bounce back. She has been like this for a couple weeks and she only seems to get worse.

Any suggestions would be great.

Thanks Everyone


Well-Known Member
You need to let the soil dry out completely before
adding anymore water. Do this 2-3 times and your plant
should bounce back to normal imo.
I did this with a Cherry Pie plant and it worked perfect.


Well-Known Member
They might be drowning, but I would consider your ppms, soil ph and how much perlite you put in your grow. Basic math will let you know that if you're feeding 6.3ph and your runoff is 6.9, then your soil is above 6.9. Since your soil is hot, your roots aren't doing their best. What is your runoff ppm? Start out with some soil and perlite, that you have ph'd to around 6.5. Add some michorrhizae and let it colonize then add your plants. Feed when dry, w/ nutes that are 6.5ph.


Thanks for all the input.

I water about a half gallon of distilled water every 4 or 5 days. So I didn't really think over watering would be an issue. Especially since her sister get the same treatment and is doing just fine. I'll let her completely dry out before the next water and ease down the nutes a bit more.

Currently I feed her every other water at about half strength. My new PPM meter is on its way from Amazon. I'll update when it arrives. But im sure its around 550 based on previous readings.

Just a few minutes ago I realized my dirt is very compact. Im thinking maybe she was having a hard time breathing so I broke up the soil pretty good.


Well-Known Member
If you plant needs water, the leaves will look like a limp wrist with a droopy relaxed hand.

Too much water, and it looks like a claw.


Hey guys. Thanks for all your help. I eased off on the watering and the nitrogen. The older leaves are still curled up but all the new growth is looking great.
Unfortunately with the low nitrogen all the bottom leaves turned yellow and died off. I'm now on a good watering schedule so hopefully everything turns out ok.
I'll let you know how they look in a few weeks

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the input.

I water about a half gallon of distilled water every 4 or 5 days. So I didn't really think over watering would be an issue. Especially since her sister get the same treatment and is doing just fine. I'll let her completely dry out before the next water and ease down the nutes a bit more.

Currently I feed her every other water at about half strength. My new PPM meter is on its way from Amazon. I'll update when it arrives. But im sure its around 550 based on previous readings.

Just a few minutes ago I realized my dirt is very compact. Im thinking maybe she was having a hard time breathing so I broke up the soil pretty good.
are you using cal/mag to replace what distilled doesn't have?


brodietheconeking - on average 36%

Chuk estevez - yes. But i am thinking of switching back to tap water and just letting sit overnight before I use it. Im kinda tired of going to the store and buying water every few days.


Well-Known Member
brodietheconeking - on average 36%

Chuk estevez - yes. But i am thinking of switching back to tap water and just letting sit overnight before I use it. Im kinda tired of going to the store and buying water every few days.
I look at it like this homie. what did everybody use before all this distilled, RO and RO/DI water........ TAP WATER. And this distilled water you buy at the store, don't kid yourself its distilled on copper pipes and left there for some time before its bottled as a finished product. All im gunna say is that many growers on here are very successful growing with tap water. Don't sweat it. and if it makes you feel better the $.99 air stones you buy at petco and the like fit down the opening of a one gallon milk jug run one of those for 24 hours to help deplete the chlorine and chloramines in the water. you'll be fine.