A little help please!


Active Member
Me and a friend are growin indica/skunk plants outside in a greenhouse, they're comin along good averigin about 15 inches (7 of them).

At the mo they have the large wide leaves all over them, I was under the impression that the plants should be just left outdoor to grow naturally, but my mate was speaking to an indoor grower friend who cuts the leaves off to help produce more buds on his plants.

So we're kinda at a crossroads for a decision, I wanna just let these babies to grow naturally, my mate wants to chop all the leaves off as per his received advice.

Anyone got any opinions? :confused:


Active Member
if u have 7 plants why not leave some to grow naturally, and cut the others?
im having a similar dilema myself as i have an outdoor plant right now and i wanted to let it grow naturally but its getting quite big and its tempting to clone as well. unfortuntaly i only have the 1 plant out there

i am curious, however, about this technique your friend was talkin about can u tell me more about it? or doesn someone else know?


Well-Known Member
During the veg portion of your grow, you should leave as many fan leaves on the plant as possible. Indoor growers have a light shortage by virtue of being indoors, so they will remove some of the upper fan leaves to alow more light to get to the lower portions of the plant. Tell your mate to leave the leaves alone and perhaps at flowering you might consider removing some. But not many. Of course remove any leaves that are turning colors or drying out.


G'Luck on the grow


Well-Known Member
I agree. I grew single cola sea of green in VT and I would take off the top leaves the last couple of weeks as the lower ones got no light when jammed under the lights. I liked single cola under a foot high plants as the flowering time is quicker and the quality is higher. Saves time trimming as well. Any time you stress a plant it will slow the growth rate. If you go the space let them grow.

I would take clones that were 4 inches high and trim the top leaves off (after rooting ofcoarse) when they were a wee 1mm or 2mm in length to produce compact node growth when the 210sqft bud room run on 2 1000watt tracked was maxed out. They look like corn cobs. They need a couple weeks to destress from the cutting on occation.