A little help


What up all. A few questions. I am new to growing. I kinda did it on a lark. I took some seeds from some bud i got and to my surprise i actualy got somthing. I have been traveling for work like crazy so the wife has been watering it. With all my traveling it has not been taken care of very well. I attached some pics. This plant is about 3mo old now. I sexed it and it is a fem. My qustion is i need to move it out side due to some renovations i am having done to my hose. Its been raining like crazy up in the NE. How do i protect this plant from being over waterd. I only need to leave it outside for 2 mo. I know the plant is kinda well not big for its age looking at some other pics on here. So my next round i will do it right. What can i do to bring this baby back? An help will be apprciated.



Well-Known Member
welcome to the forums =)

your plant looks healthy enough to plant outside, a little rain won't hurt it. but if you are worried about overwatering, your best bet is to get a humidity dome or something to house the plant when it rains.


Active Member
I would cover the dirt with a garbage bag or something wrapped around the stem, that should keep most of the water out.


Wow i thought i would be told that the plant is small and needs alot of help. I know i didnt do the lighting right in the house. In the reno i am buliding a nice little grow room now that i have done my research. At this point what chems should i add to it. I have never realy added anything to it. I also have a little " portable sun room" i got for my wife for her basil and other spices she is growing. Pic attached. Also how long be for the flowering stage?



Well-Known Member
since you know it's a female and the days are getting shorter it's time to start feeding high phosphorus ferts to the plant. i reccomend Age Old Bloom formula. It's 100% organic and cheap, with a 2-1 phosphorus ratio for healthy flower growth. Flowering stage can vary when growing outdoors, it looks like a indica dominant plant so I'd give it about 9-10 weeks.