A little help?

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
First time posting in here. Everything was going great until a day or two ago, when I noticed the leaves starting to look fucky. I suppose a res change couldn't hurt, but I just did one 5 days ago. PPM's are at 500 (dyna grow), ph at 6.0, room temp at 75 with the help of AC. Well water after running through a filter is 10-15 ppm to start with. It's a recirc DWC with 12" air stone in the tote. Water temps stay cool, as I have the main res located outside my room in a cool dark place. WTF? leaf3.jpgleaf2.jpgleaf.jpg


Well-Known Member
Are you referring to the slight canoe look? that would be heat stress. Most likely from the light being too close to the plant. 500 ppm is a tad bit on the low side. Are you in veg or flower?

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Are you referring to the slight canoe look? that would be heat stress. Most likely from the light being too close to the plant. 500 ppm is a tad bit on the low side. Are you in veg or flower?
I'm in veg. I like to veg em long, hence the single plant. The light is 400w MH, about 18" away. The light has a fan sucking off the hot air, and doesn't get too warm. The issue is the un-healthy looking leaves, emanating from the inside, moving outward. Or so it seems. I'm quite color-blind, and am surprised I even caught this at all.


Well-Known Member
Ok, gotcha. I would dump the res and mix up a fresh batch. It may be a slight nute deficiency since your running em at a rather low ppm. Also, Might wanna lower ph to 5.8 then your plant will be uptaking all the nutrients it requires. 6.0 is not bad, but 5.8 is optimal. I run my hydro plants at 650 ppm veg and 1300 flower and dump buckets every week, especially when the plants are fully developed/large.


Well-Known Member
I think 500s ok for the size of that one. And he just did a rez change 5 days ago. Look harder. Are you using cal mag? With your RO water?

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
I let my wife use my ph pen awhile back, and she thought the whole thing was waterproof... Haven't been able to recover it. I'm down to using drops at the moment. The wife verifies the color in the test bottle, cause as I mentioned I'm pretty color-blind. Haven't been using cal-mag since using the well water, as I thought there was no need. I filter the well water through a sediment filter, as it is full of iron. Now that I think about it, there are so many variables here, that a diagnosis is next to impossible. Maybe something I said will trigger a synapse in someone, hahaha!


Well-Known Member
Bam!!! theres your problem, since your pulling everything out of your water theres nothin left to help the plant out. Start using calmagic or some type of hydro specific cal mag supplement and you should be fine. Dont try and spray stuff on your plant to get calmag in there cause ive seen bad stuff happen with that. All MJ plants need calmag in hydro. Calmagic is like 18 bucks and it lasts forevaar. One drop per litre everytime you add. Ninja vanish bongsmilie :):):)

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Sweet!!! I already flushed the res. I'll start back in with the addition of cal-mag. I use to fill bottles of RO at the $.35 per gallon filling station, so I have plenty of cal-mag. I just thought my well water would provide that. The filter I run through is a simple sediment filter. I guess it does a better job than I thought.


Well-Known Member
Oh and the drops are fine. (Ph isnt as important as people say...true story lol) :):):)
Ph isn't important?? ROFL! :lol: Now ive heard it all! Hey Ninja turtle, you seriously need to do your homework and quit throwing out bogus statements like that. You know nothing. Ph is very important. And btw, if you use a "top of the line" nutrient in the first place, you wouldnt need calmag. Ive been growing for over 13 years now and never needed any additional calmag ever. My plants have been featured in hightimes, and cannabis culture. Might wanna add this to your database> The more junk you put in the rez the more problems you will have. I dont use any ph up or down, or extra calmag, or this, or that. You know why? I have a superior nute that has it all, including ample amounts of calcium and magnesium. It is ph buffered too, and my ph is right on the money. I dont even check anymore, because i know its all good. give out proper advice, or Ninja Vanish :finger:


Well-Known Member
If someone was using hardwater from a well with an 8.5 ph That wouldnt harm a plant in hydro? Think again Einstein.

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Bickering is dumb. I don't think the implication was that ph isn't important, just that it isn't as important as some like to think. Personally, I agree. I use dyna-gro because it's cheap, it's easy, and it works. I don't buy into gimmicks. I would make my own nutes if I had the patience/skill necessary to do so. I am fine with a ph in between 5.5 - 6.5 in hydro. I use to keep a rock solid ph in the past & I got a little lazy about it, when I realized I didn't need to be so anal about it. Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Nah man, ph isnt that important. Ive worked with water at a starting ph of 8. It would drift to 9 and the plants were huge. Theyll be affected a miniscule amount as far as size of the plant goes but its barely noticable between two identical plants. And as far as adding crap you dont need thats why i dont use ph down. I use calmagic and sensi a and b when i DWC. It works good for jalapenos and lettuce too. Lets see ya holding one of your hightimes DWC babies, heres one of mine. Never phed, ever. And like i said, ph aint that important and the drop style ph reading kits are ok to use if your not trying to make hightimes.....ya douch image.jpg:hump:


Well-Known Member
Dyna grow is awsome from what ive heard. Maybe the guy will come outta the closet and tell us what he uses lol. Ask around bro, get more opinions but im pretty sure ya need some calmag, shes getting pretty big. i dont know what that guys got in the closet but if he doesnt think its calmag maybe he could offer an opinion heheheeeeeee :):):)

Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I completely agree. I should've known, when the ppm's of the well water "post filter" were like 16 or some shit. I feel like a silly bitch for ever going to the length of filling 5 gallon bottles in the past. Anyway. Been cycling fresh water through the system for a couple hrs. Gonna re-introduce some nutes with the addition of cal-mag.


Well-Known Member
Nah man, ph isnt that important. Ive worked with water at a starting ph of 8. It would drift to 9 and the plants were huge. Theyll be affected a miniscule amount as far as size of the plant goes but its barely noticable between two identical plants. And as far as adding crap you dont need thats why i dont use ph down. I use calmagic and sensi a and b when i DWC. It works good for jalapenos and lettuce too. Lets see ya holding one of your hightimes DWC babies, heres one of mine. Never phed, ever. And like i said, ph aint that important and the drop style ph reading kits are ok to use if your not trying to make hightimes.....ya douch View attachment 2734685:hump:
ROFL!! Thats all ya got?? Looks completely nitrogen filled too!! Way too green. Bet it tasted horrible. Yuck!! :neutral:


Mike Young

Well-Known Member
Whew, she was really going downhill fast. The addition of the cal-mag is showing signs of improvement. I've also bumped the ppms to 800 or so. New growth is looking better. WP_20130715_001.jpgWP_20130715_002.jpg