A lot of bone heads.

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Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Some people come to RIU to prduce what they need to make their life better. But some of you, and I mean a big number of you are here because you just want to smoke weed and get high. And you do not care about who you hurt to do this. This includes your parents, your familily and who ever else gets in the way. You will grow in small computer cabinents, in closents, FUCK you do not car3e.. where ever you can. You all are the ass whole growers of weed. You are the fucker I will turn into the cops in a second. tO ALL OF YOU STUPID FUCK WADSS I say FUCK you!!!!

So now lets see who say what?
Is it a bad hot day on jupiter's 3rd moon??

there's more and more STUPID FUCK WADSS every day, they keep coming out of the wood work.
You are the fucker I will turn into the cops in a second. tO ALL OF YOU STUPID FUCK WADSS I say FUCK you!!!!

you are the type of people who should be shot fuckin snitch, snitchin is snitchin and u are the worst kind for smokin and snitchin on other smokers
Just to let you know. I have never met anyone from this sight. But still there are a few people on this sight I would take a bullet for. But many more people I would stick to the stake. You are under age, and growing at home, I would tell your panernts if I could not talk you into do it. I feel that to grow weed it should be legal nation wide. But it should be at 21 years old. And even at 28 years old if you grow it at your parents house, you take the full force of the LAW!!~!!!!

For me. I need weed to help my muscle spazzms and other conditions. But even then I only need to take about 2-3 hits maybe 3-4 times a month. OF THE CORRECT WEED NEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS CALLED MEDICATION>

Some Children, want to smoke weed from sun up, to sun down ...... full time.

These people are concidererd,,,,,,, DUMB-ASSES!!!!!!!!!!

WEED IS a MED!!!!!! Use it all a med

So any comments on what I have said, I will try and reply Just try and not be to much of a dumb ass!!!!!
I don't think this website caters only to the medical user, but the recreational user as well... I think that is the point of this site LDB.
Also, if you know someone here is underage, you can let the us know and we will remove them from the site.
sorry to hear u need it for medical purposes but alot of us enjoy weed and alot of intelligent people smoke weed all the time so for u to say people are dumb asses for smoking it all day is wrong, people should be allowed to do what they want as long as they dont hurt anyone in the process and this doesnt include someone being offended because they dont smoke all day or they dont like mj that is there problem mj hurts no-one and everyone should be able to smoke and grow if they wish to for medical and recreational, i do agree with you that it should have an age restriction so young people arent getting high and messing up their exams and shit but saying u would snitch on someone wheather they are using it for recreational purposes and getting high all day or young and secretly growing in a parents house is not cool at all
i think this guy is a moron and should be banned,,for his views,listen to what he says,,he doesnt deserve to be on a marijuana forum,,i vote to ban him from the forums what do u guys vote
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