A Marijuana Resume??? How?

I went to apply at a dispensary today and they said to turn in a resume. I have resumes for different fields, so I know how to write one, but how do I write one for a dispensary?
What goes in there? I have exp. selling things;) but........ I don't know I'm just dumbfounded at this.

Can anyone send me a template or point me in the right direction?
Does a marijuana resume template even exist?


Well-Known Member
Knowledge in strains and different highs. What effect is good for what ailment. Proper weight and pricing... Whats so hard about this?


Well-Known Member
Write it the way you would looking for a job in any other field and customize a cover letter for the dispensary. Good luck! :peace:
yea I got all that. what i don't get is how to put it all into resume form. Do you have one? or are you just listing stuff that eveyone should know. because that is easy.


Well-Known Member
I don't have one brother. What I'm saying is use a template for a standard resume, listing all of your previous experience, any relevant experience and your education if it's relevant. Only thing you have to change is the cover letter detailing your intentions. :peace:
so i should tell em ive been selling since i was 12? i mean how in depth should it be? just dealing with marijuana right?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't tell them about any illegal activities. ;-)
Maybe talk about yourself as being a "marijuana connoisseur", instead. :peace: