A month of 12/12 and still no flowers?


Active Member
I've had my DWC plant on the 12/12 light cycle for a month now, and during that time instead of really budding, it grew about 2.5 more feet tall! I know just changing the light cycle doesn't mean the plant won't stop vegging, But I was getting a bit worried. I only have a 150watt HPS light, and I know it probably needs more. Anyway, has anyone had a similar experience? Do you think she'll take off soon?

I've noticed there are wispy white pistols all over the joints of the plant, and little white pistols forming along all the nodes as well, and to my knowledge that means female, correct? I'll try to get some better pictures of the white hairs tomorrow, she's in the dark cycle now.

Side note, I have a little soil plant growing next to it, which has definitely budded nicely.


Well-Known Member
getting any light leaks into the area? That other plant in the back corner could be getting shaded from a possible light leak, so its responding to the 12/12 and flowering where your main plant is not...squeeze inside the closet close the doors and turn the lights off and see if you've got any light peaking in. Some plants are more sensitive to light leaks than others. It also might be a genetic thing...by most accounts yes a plant will flower with 12/12...but if your plant has decided hey 12/12 is enough to keep me in veg state...well shes gonna stay in veg state and will need more dark...long shot but a possibility...