a question about flowering


Active Member
how old is an outdoor plant when it starts flowering stage? like is it 6 months or 7 months etc. i really wanna no coz my plant is 2 months old and in vegetation stage. this is grown outdoors!!!!!!


stays relevant.
It begins flowering when mother nature sets its daylight hours to 12/12 which varies depending on your area. Plants can veg for a long time, or a short time before flowering... All depends on when you plant it, and when flowering normally happens in your area.


Active Member
mostly when a plant gets under 12 hours light it will flower,however ,if you have a plant under a light at 18/ then put it out side,enan if its a bit over 12/it will still flower.if u take a plant at 18/12 and put it outside,it will flower at any time .Indica usually is shorter term.
how old is an outdoor plant when it starts flowering stage? like is it 6 months or 7 months etc. i really wanna no coz my plant is 2 months old and in vegetation stage. this is grown outdoors!!!!!!


Active Member
ah yeah im a first time grower and a blonde. not a great combo coz i dont understand any of that. the plant is already outdoors and wat i was asking was, if a plant grows for 9 months then roughly how many months of that is it growing buds. for example 4 months out of nine. also can anyone tell me wat colours the hairs are if its female. like when you first notice them should they be white or brown or either? and can u tell me as simple as possible. remember thse plants are grown outdoors under the sun, not hydro.


Well-Known Member
ah yeah im a first time grower and a blonde. not a great combo coz i dont understand any of that. the plant is already outdoors and wat i was asking was, if a plant grows for 9 months then roughly how many months of that is it growing buds. for example 4 months out of nine. also can anyone tell me wat colours the hairs are if its female. like when you first notice them should they be white or brown or either? and can u tell me as simple as possible. remember thse plants are grown outdoors under the sun, not hydro.
How long your plant grows depends on the strain, and the light cycle. I plant my outdoor plants at the end of May, and they are done around the 1st of Oct. The daylight starts to get shorter on June 21, and most plants will show thier gender by the 1st of July. This is an indica strain Im growing, sativas wont fully mature where Im at...:cry: they could take a month or 2 longer. As for the hairs, most of the time they are white. They will change as the calyx(the pod the hairs grow out of) matures and can turn red, orange, pink, and purple.


Active Member
hey yeah i guess youd get really good weed in the carrabian. they thrive in the heat. i notice when my plants get a good water and a day of really good sun coz they grow enogh to notice at the end of the day. we have just had rain and clouds over the past 2 days? can that do anything?