A Question About Green Houses


Active Member
im pretty sure the plants do get enough sunlight, but i would like to hear other ppl's thoughts cuz im thinking about using a greenhouse similar to this one.:weed:


plants will get plenty of light just leave them out in the open in a good spot


Active Member
it's probably somewhere close to 85% of natural sunlight... most of the UV is gone... just guessing based on past researching of my own...

that's plenty of light though


Sector 5 Moderator
That's a great deal on a greenhouse; you can't touch that with anything I've seen. I'm not sure about the effectiveness of the "clear green" cover but I guess it will work fine.


That greenhouse would be perfect for vegging your plants early but you probably wouldn't be able to flower in it unless you add some type of fan or fans. I owned a greenhouse for quiet a few years and the main problem I had with it was humidity. Also make sure if you plant in the ground with the greenhouse to top or lst the plants. They will outgrow a green house in a heart beat.