A question about the amount of sunlight during flower


Well-Known Member
I read in many places it is recommended for an indoorer to "2 months veg, 2 month flower @ 12:12".

As a noobie, I've checked when the sun-light will be 12:12 to know when it's gonna start flowering ....
But it started flowering almost 1.5 months before that date....

So I thought 12:12 is the average that should be, cause if it started at around 13:11, and there's 1.5 months till 12:12, than it's gonna have time with 11:13 too ...............

My question, if it started flowering 1.5 months before the sun is at 12:12, does that mean the harvest time should be 1.5 months after the day the sun is at 12:12 ?
(because the average will be 12:12 ... and if it waits longer, the average will be 12- : 12+ if you know what I mean..)

Does weed like math ?


Well-Known Member
No. Weed does not like, or recognize, math.

It does not perk up miraculously at 12 hrs of darkness. It's responding to days getting shorter. Now where I am there's still about 14 hrs of decent light now but flowering started about 3 weeks ago. Indoors it's a sudden flip and you can grind out the results.on a schedule. Point being you are at the mercy of a lot of Gods when growing outdoors.

All strains and cuts run differently you just need to be patient and let them run out.

Next time you will know.


Well-Known Member
^^^^^^^^^^^ Exactly, you are growing outdoors, your plant will do what all plants outside do, they know better than you know when the time is right. Chillax and let nature do its thing.