A question for aeroponic growers


Active Member
At present i have a grow room which is 2m x 1.5m. i currently frow in a flood and drain, NFT and an amazon. After my current grow finishes which will hopefully be around christmas, i am going to have a clear out and go totally aeroponic. I like the GHE Aeroflo 28 and can just about squeeze 2 in. They are quite pricey tho!!
I am thinking of getting some 3 inch pipe and cutting holes for the net pots, then drilling holes in between them for gromits so i can put misters inside and pipe out.
My question is how do i connect the small pipes from the misters to the pump and if i had 56 sites what size pump would i need??
Is there anything else i need to think about?? I have 2 600w air cooled supernova hoods for the lights and a seperate place for germinating.
Hopefully will get enough seeds from my auto blue hawian x auto ak47 that i am currently breeding


Active Member
Any idea's?? i am going to use 2 resevoirs and feed half with one and half with the other. Hopefully i will be growing auto flowering strains so should get a crop about every 5 weeks. Means a bit more cost for set up as i will need 2 res, 2 air pumps and 2 nute pumps, but will hopefully have a rotating grow all the time