A question for my American brethren

I have wondered this for a long time and haven't really asked about it, so this is directed to the American residents here on RIU.

Why is journalism so totally different then other parts of the world? I can only really speak for Canada (home) and the UK because those are the only other places I have been able to view network news shows.

I have observed most of the networks seem to have employees and journalists with strong opinions on many issues (especially controversial ones) and they broadcast their opinion or the opinion of the network as oppose to taking an objective POV and just reporting the facts? Isn't that the point?

So the bottom line question: Why are American news stations so opinionated as opposed to, say, CBC or BBC? Sometimes its dangerous propaganda and sometimes it's downright offensive!

Cheers, from your Canadian Counterpart.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think the first motivation is often money - making the news more entertaining to draw in viewers. If they can push an agenda while they're at it, it's a nice bonus for them. Honesty and integrity aren't so important unfortunately.
All of the main news channels seem to do it, but Fox took it to the next level - and, unfortunately, it seems to be working out for them as far as money goes.
So, now unbiased news seems to be a thing of the past here, at this point.

I like to get news from the BBC. They seem pretty fair overall. Them and the Daily Show - at least The Daily Show does't have any pretense of being a real news show... unlike Fox, CNN, CNBC, etc. who go on pretending that they are.


Well-Known Member
It's simple...everyone wants to be the first in the spotlight. The amount of money generated from nosing into other peoples business under the guise of freedom of speech is absurd.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
1. In part it's the format created by "entertainment news".

It's nothing new, in fact it probably started with Merv Griffith, and Phil Donahue, but sadly most Americans don't know the difference between entertainment news, and actual news. They can't disseminate the truth for themselves.

2. Most of the media outlets are owned my GE, and other monopolies including FOX, and they don't hide their bias...it's about the money, but people are brainwashed by the loudest - most credible sounding - voice. It's easier to believe what they see on TV, than seek out the truth for themselves. It doesn't matter who says it, as long as it's said enough times.

In other cases it's more sinister; brain washing, by the corporation, and washington. Most the media in this country has a liberal bias, and clearly helped to put Obama in office, among their other dastardly deeds.


Well-Known Member
One word : propaganda
We are slowly being driven to soft Facism.
Every network pushes an aspect of it.
Fox pushes militerism and government favoritism to corprate intrests.
The others push people to believe government is the only thing that can help the people.
But really they all just want money and favors.

They feed division.
Cloistering Americans into this group and that.
When all the voices screaming for government to "DO SOMETHING" come together in washington.
It congeals into soft Facsim.
Some people think its by design.
Others think its a conspiracy of ineptitude.

Every major network is owned by a corperation.
That in one way or another is getting government favors and money/contracts.
They line us all up screaming for government to save us.

Then the FED is all to happy to feed the greed.