A question of rockwool transferability between DWC and ebb&flow tray

I've got ~1.5 week old seedlings in 3" net pots w/ rockwool and pea gravel in a classic DWC setup (no topfeed or roseman style). The roots are just now getting long enough to chill in the water, and lots of roots are growing.

But... once I get my tent set up in the next week or two, I'm going to set up a 4' x 2' Ebb and Flow tray w/ 30 gallon reservoir underneath.

So my question is, will it be possible to transfer what is in the net pots into actual pots (with holes in the bottom for flooding and draining) once I put them in the tray? If so, what's the best way of doing it without doing a lot of damage to the roots? And what's be best size/shape pots for holding the medium in an ebb & flow tray? I'm planning on having 10-20 plants in it

I also have some SugarDaddy and ROOT66. Should I mix them with some water and pour it on the rw cubes to strengthen and induce root development after the transfer? I'm guessing lots of roots will be hurt in the process no matter how careful I am :-(


Well-Known Member
Na, you wont hurt them. They will be fine.
I move cuttings from aero to hydroton, Hydroton to soil. Its no big deal.
Just be careful, spread out the roots as best you can and keep them in the pots.
Plant the net pot in the medium at the same height and yes water them real good.

Its like double potting a plant in soil. you know, cut the bottom out of a pot and set it in another one thats already full.
Ya got twice the room to grow.

I assume you will be using hydroton.
Well I have pea gravel, which I'm using in the net pots now. So I will probably just use them in the tray pots too. I soak them in pH 6 water and clean the dust off too so I figure it's just about as good as hydroton.

But yea I see what you mean with the double potting concept. I was also thinking this would be the best way of doing it, but I was worried about the roots getting crushed between the rocks and the net pot, ya know? Or are they plenty resilient?


Well-Known Member
Oh, the weight of the gravel huh? didn't think about that.
I know you can do it with hydroton, I dont know how heavy the gravel is...

How about this idea, get some coco and cut a thin sheet to set them on.
That may provide a cushion for the roots.