a REQUEST of an opinion@


Active Member
Hello everybody who is reading this.

I need a little opinion from you, who is hopefully reading this. Now, I have a little setup going on, what we have are 11 blueberries and one lonely white widow.

White widow is about two months old now. The others are about one month old.

I'm looking at all these sensational grow journals, and for the most part my GIRLS are lagging behind.

I have a HYDRO DWC setup, so here are the specs:

4 gallon reservoir

My nutes be right under this paragraph:
-black crystal (humic I thinks)
-Clear wormcastings
-rhyzotonic & b1 (for rooting but I stopped using it at every feeding now)

SO, my thing is that the widow is only 12 inches tall and has been in this world for two months. I originally started her off on just flora nova and I didn't have a PPM meter.

The other guys were raised on all the stuff I mentioned above so they look light years ahead of her when she was the same age as them.

I wanted to know if the following would be a growth stunt:
-It's a closet 12 feet from an AC unit
-the pHhas been wacky for the past two months (I just started regulating consistently

Also, my PPM I noticed was higher than it was before, so I assume this means I over fertilized (1000PPM) and the plants are drinking more water than nutes.



Well-Known Member
A/C probably not the problem my a/c unit is less then 12 feet away from my two grow rooms and I don't have that problem. I would guess that it is most likely that the "wacky" ph is at least one of the causes for you slow growth. If you ph is off the plant can't absorb all the nutes you giving them properly so they are not reaching there full potential.


Well-Known Member
when the ph isnt kept at optimal levels, the plants wont absorbe nearly as many nutrients. try 5.6 and c how that works.