A springtime theory. Seeking info and help.


Active Member
Hey everyone, just trying to gather some info, but I am a bit lost/confused if I understand all of it well. I started out with a homemade box, pc fans, 150w hps, ozone generator setup. Real cheap, but it was fun to build, wire everything etc.
In theory, if someone tries a 4x4 tent with an 6" air cooled hood, and a 600w hps light, Lumatek ballast, Powerstar 1kw contactor, would it work with a carbon filter and a Systemair K250L fan? (Around 560 cfm). How big carbon filter would I need to buy? Would use the fan to cool the light, and to have negative pressure (with passive intake) and to scrub air with carbon filter.
I have read a loads about sizing your fan, some places stated its better to have a bigger fan, then use a fan controller to slow it down, on other places I read that if the fan is too powerful one can have low humidity issues. I live in a high humidity area.
I can buy the mentioned fan for real cheap. The question is would it be too much? Can I control it, so it'll be nice and silent? (according to data sheet it is around 50dB). In theory all of this would go in the garage, lights on at night time. But want to make it as silent as possible. Seen a guy building a big box from OSB, then he placed the fan in the box, surrounded it with old pillows, and he said it was super silent. Is there any fire hazard with doing that? I still have to buy a fan speed controller.
Also, because of law the aim would be (in theory), to have as less plants as possible. Was thinking about Sensis Hindu Kush, and I thought I could do a scrog with 1 or 2 plants. Would it take ages to fill up a 3.5x3.5 screen? (I read somewhere that with one plant 2 months vegging will fill up that screen. Is this possible or too long?)To save energy and money, I want to start this operation in springtime, so I can have the ladies vegging outside in the greenhouse. Done that with autos, was ok for vegging, had to move them to flower in the box I build cause of bud mould issues. Would go organic, compost, some vermiculite, perlite, some manure on the bottom of pot. Was planning to use a 8 gallon pot. Any thoughts, ideas welcome. Have a nice day. Its time for my evening medication, to sleep like a baby, Ortega vaporized.:bigjoint: