A story of survival part 1:


Active Member
So where should I begin? Typical "dark, stormy night..." approach? I hardly think that would do this justice.

As a prelude, I'm an avid marijuana ENTHUSIAST but not a grower. I don't have a place nor the resources of my own to grow. But I shall, one day.

So it was not without a pleasant surprise that one day, riding or "riding" around with my friend (make your own implications), that I overheard a phone call he had received. On the other end of the line sat (or stood... it's not like I can see her on the phone) a very harried and concerned friend of ours, her name let's just say was Katie. It's pretty common so I don't think any conclusion could be pulled from this story.

Katie had just told my friend that there were pot plants in her back yard... Surely she was mistaken; Wild pot plants in my friends' back yard? I mean come on! We live in the American Suburbia, where you can watch your neighbor in their house, from the comfort of your house 20 feet away. There was no way in my Rollitup-educated-opinion that these were legitimate marijuana plants... at least I thought.

But we hurried none the less over to her house. Surely if it were marijuana growing ever so unexpected in her yard, I alone could verify its credibility. Amongst my friends, we all smoke, but I'm the only individual with the ambition and just pure curiosity to look more into the herb we ignite, which inevitably led to my strong fascination with growing.

As I strolled onto her property I was convinced that this was nothing more than gold at the end of a rainbow. Plenty of plants in the region I live are hilariously and shockingly similar to pot. I amuse myself in many car rides with the idea that these plants masquerading around as the illegal herb are indeed pot. I figured this is the same case I was about to uncover. But it wasn't... Oh boy! Was it anything but that.

Prepared only to find one sole plant, I was completely taken aback by the fact that there wasn't just one, or two, but TWELVE invasive pot plants to be found. TWELVE!!.....

..... 12. Now please, I know amongst the greater community of Rollitup members, this number is seemingly so insignificant that the majority of you may have well found another post to entertain your time with. But for me, having seen 3 plants in my life, this was a outstanding discovery. Not to mention the sheer wonder at how there were 12 plants somehow growing unnoticed until now. And these weren't small... I mean a few were, approximately 3-7 inches tall. But at least 4 of them were clear over a foot! How they were to make it to this height with the kind of anti-marijuana scene we live in just absolutely astounds me.

Come to find out, these were the birth child of extreme luck and chance. Weeks or months previously, during an outing of the authority figures of the house, Katie and the friend I was riding with at the time were throwing seeds from the porch of their house. I wouldn't have had advised this, but I can relate. Before I started to research the resilient and hardy nature of pot, I wouldn't have ever believed those seeds to take either. But I hardly blame them... No, I thank their foolish actions like gifts on Christmas.

But the more pressing matter was how we were to relocate these beauties somewhere they stood a fighting chance, because enemies of our girls were quite literally just around the corner. We were pressed for time, and had few availabilities as to what exactly we were going to do with them.

But I'm hungry, I'll continue this story in part 2: plus I have to go smoke with my family from out of town. So stay tuned, trust me it is a pretty thrilling tale. :hump:


Active Member
Quite exhilarating to find such an undiscovered grow in the most unlikely of places. But the shock and awe of such a miracle was only allowed precious moments. They could not stay where they were. They needed to be moved... FAST!

Our situation was this: 12 plants, growing randomly, yet closely together. About 3 stood out from the pack, being tallest and healthiest of the lot. With limited supplies to transplant (a hand spade for dog sh!t, a shoe box and bucket for carrying) and no realistic place to keep them, we decided that only three were to be kept. The others, either too small or butchered during the transplant, were discarded.

The biggest problem that was faced was the proximity of our plants to a particularly large tree... Large tree, large roots, true? Upon the first push into the ground with the spade, the soil practically crumbled away. By time the three plants were uprooted, there were hardly any roots to speak of! It was a disastrous transplant, on all accounts. But never-the-less, we took the three girls, shoe box/ bucket and all, threw some dirt in them, and headed back to the car.

Now the whole duration of this story took part behind a fence. So it wasn't altogether suspicious or much of a problem to deal with plants, behind the fence. Now that they were in portable containers and being carried away, we had much to fear for public safety.

Walking out onto the other side of the fence into the front/side yard, I set down my plant to hurry around front in search of any oncoming traffic. There wasn't.

... RUN!!!

Bolting to the car, three plants were sat rather forcibly and hastily in the back seat of the car, on the floor board.

Here is the ironic situation of the story that just amuses me so. Quite literally, as if the sound of the last slamming door was its signal, a police squad car roles around a not-too-far corner. He hadn't seen us, I was sure of it. But there was no reason why he couldn't HAPPEN to peer through the non-tinted windows of the car behind me to see a luscious rear compartment of foliage and 5 pointed leaves. All I could do was turn around and lean back on the car. Forming the immediate circle of friends in light of the present danger, the two friends of mine partaking on this ridiculous endeavor followed suite, creating a rather unimposing and friendly social circle.

He drove by and took the corner our house was located on without any hesitation or considerable breaking. All was clear... thank god! What a ludicrous way for that to have all ended. Random police patrol.

After the likely celebratory cigarette, we headed off. But to where, I hadn't the slightest clue. I knew of a couple of places around where it would be plausible to take three marijuana plants, but they were mainly speculation and no where near ready for a successful transplant. And they were near inaccessible. Being an ardent and enthusiastic naturalist and explorer, I had only stumbled upon these places during the wildest of adventures. No, they were not options after all. There was a place which I grew a plant previously that had turned out male. But it was a danger trek, unfavorably around populated settings. And I knew this place to be lacking major factors essential to the growth of not just a healthy, but dominant and fruitful plant. That place too would be crossed out from the list.

There remained only one location. A "last ditch" effort, as you will. At the home of another house, out of town, there was a spot down by a creek, across a line of trees that we could at the very least allow these plants a few sheltered days to recover. We had to take them, it was our only option. So we started the car ride.

Once we were out of the city, I was much more assured that we weren't going to get caught. So I just began to study and examine the plants in the back. They were fascinating. The single male plant I had grown before had MAYBE grown to the height these plants were already at. Granted, they were stretched considerably, but I had 'seen' much worse on here. Just from the 20 minutes of unbelievable turn around, the leaves were already drooping significantly. But I'm sure I must have smiled... I wasn't concerned about their health, because everything I had witnessed was just a treasure trove of information, and pure proof of the hardy resilient nature of this species. Granted the transplant had thus far been sketchy, at best, I was convinced that if we could plant them in solid ground soon, they would survive.

We arrived at the house, and explained rather quickly the situation at hand to the owner. Luckily, after a few "Wow's" and "That seriously marijuana, isn't it?" we took them out of the car and headed off for our "Spot." Down a hill, over a creek, through a line of trees, the spot we had found wasn't ready for the cultivation of pot at all.

Most people finding pot would just throw it in the ground and hope for the best. I however am only interested in getting the best out of every plant I come across in my future. I aspire to get results. But with NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING on me besides my hands and these plants, I set to work. I found a suitable stick, tilled a reasonable sized hole for all three plants spaced in a triangle approximately 3 feet apart. I rearranged/destroyed some smaller trees and bushes in the process, making way for more sunlight and advanced coverage from the 2 things we had to worry about: a street a good distance off, and a house just as far. But we ride on that street to get to the place, and every time I come there I look as hard as I can, and still can't make out any signs of us every having been there from the road.

There they were, three amazing pot plants. I had spent so much time trying to secretly grow inside, and producing the most elaborate plans of outdoor growth, and none of those produce any results. And now, here it was, by sheer chance, luck, and unbelievable odds, I landed myself with 3 healthy plants.

Part 3, the conclusion, coming up soon.