A tutorial on Computer Folder Privacy



Im going to do a tutorial on how to make a folder that other people just arent smart enough to find
put what you will in these folders i dont care, just felt like spreading the word if you got some pictures or documents you dont want your significant other / parents / anyone else find

step 1: right click on your desktop and make a new folder

step 2: right click on your folder and go to properties

step 3: hit the customize tab and go down to change icon

step 4: pick an icon thats blank, i appear to have three, but for some reason i picked in middle one

step five: here is what you should have

step 6: Right click the folder and rename it (disregard mspaint)

Step 7: When you rename your folder, do NOT use space.... this is so easy to look for, instead, hold ALT, and while holding ALT, hit the numbers 255 on your number pad, release alt and you get this. " " its not a space, its an invisible character that most people have no idea about

here is your final product, invisible folder

enjoy :leaf:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Thanks! +Rep! Now I can hide my porI MEAN my movies...yeahhhhhhh. lol No, but for real, good post.


bump because i want more of you to be safe from the prying eyes of whoever is out to get you :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well if youre into 1942 (i enjoyed it) then im guessing you like fps/war games and if so, buy yourself Call of Duty 5!. if your rig can run it. just google it!

and if you mean red faction for original xbox...its mediocre. worth a rent at most. cod5 will be a much more satisfying buy:blsmoke:

not to mention free online multiplayer

and muuuch better graphics (again, if your rig can run it)


well if youre into 1942 (i enjoyed it) then im guessing you like fps/war games and if so, buy yourself Call of Duty 5!. if your rig can run it. just google it!

and if you mean red faction for original xbox...its mediocre. worth a rent at most. cod5 will be a much more satisfying buy:blsmoke:

not to mention free online multiplayer

and muuuch better graphics (again, if your rig can run it)
rofl naw dude i mean red faction 3 thats coming out soon

on 360

i dont like 1942 thats battlefield 2142

my rig can run any game out there on high except far cry 2 and crysis

other than that yeah red faction 3 ftw

and i dont really want cod 5 because its another wwII

tired of the weapons, the equipment as well

thats why cod4 was so much fun it was modern


Well-Known Member
hmm i feel you about WWII being over done. but seriously, its still worth a look. rent it on 360 so you only spend 9 instead of 50.

next game i want is left 4 dead...maybe fallout 3


hmm i feel you about WWII being over done. but seriously, its still worth a look. rent it on 360 so you only spend 9 instead of 50.

next game i want is left 4 dead...maybe fallout 3
i most definetly reccomend left for dead...
play in the dark with the volume up and its just scary....

there were time when i was really high where i wanted to huddle in the corner in fear


Well-Known Member
Im going to do a tutorial on how to make a folder that other people just arent smart enough to find
put what you will in these folders i dont care, just felt like spreading the word if you got some pictures or documents you dont want your significant other / parents / anyone else find
step 2: right click on your folder and go to properties
step 3: hit the customize tab and go down to change icon
step 4: pick an icon thats blank, i appear to have three, but for some reason i picked in middle one
step five: here is what you should have
step 6: Right click the folder and rename it (disregard mspaint)
Step 7: When you rename your folder, do NOT use space.... this is so easy to look for, instead, hold ALT, and while holding ALT, hit the numbers 255 on your number pad, release alt and you get this. " " its not a space, its an invisible character that most people have no idea about
here is your final product, invisible folder

enjoy :leaf:bongsmilie
This is a good trick for simple file hiding Keenly. I'd go with an encrypted mountable volume to hide incriminating stuff though.

Hide the volume somewhere deep in your root drive and give it a system sounding name. Not only will most people not even find it, even if they do happen to try and 'open' the file, they won't see anything.


Well-Known Member
That's pretty cunning but the folder will still show up in Windows Explorer.

You can set the folder properties to 'Hidden' (right click / properties / general / hidden)--in which case you don't need to change the icon--but that'll only work as long as someone does not select 'Show hidden files and folders' in explorer.

So your method is kind of a long way round and still won't stop anyone with half a clue about using a computer from finding your goodies.

An external hard drive or smart card is really the only way to go for real security.