a white fur bug. what is this?


hi all,

i've outdoor plants. living in spain, hot and humid whether. Found this but have no idea what is that. could someone help me find some info.
it's first time grower, have no knowledge about a thing :weed:




thank you very much!

well for now I can find more mealy bugs. just that one and I did remove it from the branch.
I have 3 plants, outdoor, they are already in blossoming stage, since 15 august. After a overwatering problem + plants on top of too hot floor, beginning to ruin the roots, burned almost 50% of the leaves, they are now recovering. still had no need to spray them with nothing. For the same reason I don't know if I shouldn't just for the sake of prevention.
For what I read the male of the mealy bug is kinda a mosquito, possibly I saw a lot of those coming from the roots (beneath of the vase, from the holes) just before watering.

again, thanks for the help
stay well my friends


Well-Known Member
If you find more of these things, rubbing alcohol on a q-tip works. Just soak the little buggers. Also, clean up any white powdery stuff they leave behind--might be eggs!