aaaaaaaaaaarghhhhh!!! :(


so.... bought some sensi seeds a mix of 25...


i took out all the males.. and there was this one plant who was like a male but still looked more like a female

and now all me females are growing seeds?? LOL

so am i just fu**** or can i still smoke this ?

i hate mondays :(


thanks for quick reply... soo what to do? should i just wait for it or do i pull the seeds of?

i just bought 10 feminized critical can i put them in soil now? in the same room? im gonna veg them for a week and there is still two weeeks left of those pollinated females?


Active Member
pull all the nuts you can off... and youll def be checkn daily... however youll be busting a bud up and go ahh s*** i got seeds in muh weed lmao!! you wont get them all.. in fact its obvi. too late cause one already busted and chances are you have a fan so....and make sure it blows the bottoms of the plants so it doesnt dry out the tops.. chock it up as a bad experience, it happens! itll be decent.. but after those hormones interact.. it wont get much more potent. save you some sacks that have poweder in them and you got male spermies for an experiment later on!


Active Member
bleach diluted with water, lysol wipes, and for good measure clorox wipe everything down. u may have light leaks bra.. take everthing out, jump in your contraption, shut it all the way and see if you see light shining through or in. close your eyes first to adapt to the dark.. then check it out batman!!! do you have a tent,closet or atleast a picture!??


yeah.. well.. not a good first grow experiance but f**k it

ive now planted my criticals

am i in danger of having them pregnant aswell? what should i do ?


Well-Known Member
Your females must have pistils(white hairs) in order to be pollinated by pollen from males. Even hermaphrodites like the one you possibly have can pollinate. Seedlings can not be pollinated but I would hate to have any previous pollen residue get stuck and be your demise in flowering. Seperate if you can, if not just make sure you constantly sterilize the grow area.