About Auto??


Active Member
if two auto flower plants bred would they breed true and keep the auto genetics or would they revert back to being photo period?? or would some of the offspring be auto and some be photo period


Well-Known Member
as simple as I can explain it is...
auto + auto = auto
auto + photo = photo, with dormant auto traits
dormant auto traits x dormant auto traits = some autos 50-70% if your lucky.. then more inbreeding to get it stable 100%...


Well-Known Member
I made a female photo pregnant with auto assassin pollen and the offspring were about 50 percent. I then bred the auto offspring with a fem MI-5. Got over 90 percent auto progeny.


Well-Known Member
yea hoss I have had some luck here and there in the 1st round too, but as a general rule the 1st gen. of seed won't have any autos. but there again exception to every rule thing..lol..


Well-Known Member
well my first round wasn't all auto, bout 50 percent. The first attempt was male auto assassin mixed with female lemon g photoperiod plant. Of the offspring that did auto flower those were backcrossed with a healthy female MI-5 plant (short stuff). This resulted in over 90 percent auto offspring.

Edit - I just re-iterated myself. It took two rounds to integrate a photo period into the mix.